31 December 2012
Dates to be confirmed
17 December 2012
UNESCO's Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape : a new approach to urban conservation?
In November 2011, UNESCO adopted a new standard-setting text called the Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape. It is the first normative text by UNESCO dedicated specifically to cities, and UNESCO's first normative text on conservation in 35 years.
The goal of this instrument is to ...
17-18 December 2012
UNESCO, as part of the World Heritage Earthen Architecture Programme (WHEAP), is organizing an International Colloquium on Conservation of World Heritage Earthen Architecture.This two-day international event will gather a network of global experts in earthen architecture conservation, including site managers, researchers and specialized institutions, to share knowledge and experiences in ...
17-18 December 2012
[in French only] Dans le cadre des activités du 40ème anniversaire de la Convention du patrimoine mondial, ICOMOS France organise un colloque les 17 et 18 décembre 2012. Organisé en partenariat avec le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication et la ville de Poitiers, il aura pour thème les "Biens en série de la Liste du patrimoine ...
10-14 December 2012
A 2-day itinerant seminar on Economics and Heritage Conservation in Pune (Maharashtra) and Bangalore (Karnataka) to explore the interaction between the economic and cultural values of Tangible Heritage. (10 - 14 December 2012)
Economic development and revitalization has been increasingly reliant on cultural heritage and cultural assets. Because of its economic values, cultural heritage has ...
5-7 December 2012
The Fourth Herity conference in 2012 will be focused on "How The Cultural Heritage is communicated? Public, Specialists, Managers and Institutions:evaluating the quality of the transmission of the cultural message" will take place in Roma 5-7 December 2012.
This Conference scope includes all Museums, Monuments, Libraries, Archives and Archaeologicalsites open to the public and under some ...
3-7 December 2012
The inauguration of a photo exhibition "Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir in the Curonian Spit" will be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France on 3 December 2012.
This exhibition is a joint project of France, Lithuania and Russia, organized at UNESCO in the framework of the World Heritage Convention's 40th anniversary. It will show 60 pictures of the famous Lithuanian ...
2-5 December 2012
In the framework of Document WHC-12/36.COM/10C and Decision 36 COM 10C adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 36th session (Saint Petersburg, 2012), the final meeting of the Second Cycle of the Periodic Reporting Exercise for Latin America and the Caribbean will take place in Santiago de Chile, Chile from 3-5 December 2012.
As the final meeting for the Region, it will involve the ...
27-30 November 2012
ICAHM's (ICOMOS International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management) annual meeting, themed around the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, will be held in Cuzco, Peru, from 27 to 30 November 2012.
Full details of the meeting and how to register and submit an abstract are available at the conference ...
22 November 2012 - 15 February 2013
Application deadline 15 February 2013 for coursework beginning August 2013
Society is faced with some of the greatest challenges in history, from climate change to biodiversity loss to energy security and beyond. We need leaders who think differently, embrace complexity, and see the human and environmental condition as one intricate system. CSU’s Conservation Leadership Program, also ...
21-30 November 2012
The exhibition "Get to Know the World Heritage"is organized by the Czech Commission for UNESCO and will present fifty photographs inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List from all over the world.
It will be opened by a conference entitled "The Concept of the World Heritage, its success and its drawbacks" with speakers from the field.
20-21 November 2012
Within the framework of the Japanese Funds-in-Trust project "Capacity Building to Support the Conservation of World Heritage Sites and Enhance Sustainable Development of Local Communities in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)", two national workshops for the Atlantic Ocean SIDS are scheduled to discuss the most urgent and relevant issues on World Heritage for the State Party.
In the ...
17 November 2012
The First Expert/Stakeholder Meeting will take place in Pompei (Italy) on 17 November 2012, within the framework of the project “Towards a governance system for coordinating the updating and the implementation of the Management Plan of the Archaeological Areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata”. This meeting is funded by the Italian Government and managed by the World ...
16-17 November 2012
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, a round table is organized to discuss public/private collaboration to favour local development and economic resources for local communities in World Heritage Sites.
For more information: http://www.fundacionlasmedulas.com
16 November 2012
The Budapest College for Communication and Business, in cooperation with the Foundation for Information Society and ICOMOS Hungary, are organizing a conference in Budapest on 16 November 2012 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention.
For the programme and further information, see the attachment.
15-17 November 2012
Yıldız Technical University and ICOMOS-ICORP are jointly organizing the International Symposium of “Cultural Heritage Protection In Times of Risk – Challenges and Opportunities”, that will take place on 15-17 November 2012 in Istanbul Turkey.
The symposium aims to adopt a comprehensive approach that includes all kinds of risks of natural and human origin that threaten ...
14-16 November 2012
Workshop for World Heritage National Focal Points from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe within the framework of the Second Cycle of the Periodic Reporting Exercise on the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention
Within the framework of the Second Cycle of Periodic Reporting exercise, a Workshop for World Heritage National Focal Points from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern ...
13 November 2012
In the framework of the World Heritage Convention's 40th anniversary, the Culture Federal Office, in collaboration with the Environmental Federal Office and the Swiss Commission for UNESCO, organize a ceremony on Novembre 13th 2012 from 6.15 p.m. in the Dampfzentrale, in Bern, in the presence of Mr. Alain Berset, Federal Councillor.
Dampfzentrale Berne, Marzilistr 47, 3005 ...