In November 2011, UNESCO adopted a new standard-setting text called the Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape. It is the first normative text by UNESCO dedicated specifically to cities, and UNESCO's first normative text on conservation in 35 years.
The goal of this instrument is to revise current approaches to urban conservation, taking into account all new concepts that have developed in recent decades in the area of conservation (cultural landscapes, cultural diversity, intangible heritage, etc.). The Recommendation also seeks to integrate a vision of sustainable development into urban conservation, and to combine the heritage conservation and development practices of the contemporary city.
The conference will be led by Francesco Bandarin, Assistant Director General for Culture at UNESCO, followed by a round table led by architect/urbanist Jade Tabet, with Albert Dubler, President of the International Union of Architects, Benjamin Mouton, Vice President of ICOMOS International and associate professor at the École de Chaillot, and Lorenzo Diez, Director of ENSA in Nancy and associate professor at the École de Chaillot.
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