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22nd session of the General Assembly of States Parties

UNESCO, Paris 27-28 November 2019

By States Parties
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359 Participants 100%
Participants States parties Categories
Dahal Khadga Dahal
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent delegation of Nepal
Embassy of Nepal
Nepal States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
den Hoedt Eunice den Hoedt
Deputy Permanent Representative to UNESCO
Permanent Representation
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
van den Boogert Joost van den Boogert
Policy advisor
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
Department of Arts and Heritage
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
van Elst Doreen van Elst
Head of Sectoral Policy
Ministery of Education, Culture and Science
Department of Arts and Heritage
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
van Rooijen Cees van Rooijen
Focal Point for World Heritage Netherlands
Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kingston Charles Kingston
Permanent Delegate to UNESCO
New Zealand Delegation to UNESCO
New Zealand States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Marchadour Saara Marchadour
Deputy Permanent Delegate to UNESCO
New Zealand Delegation to UNESCO
New Zealand States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Miranda Sylvia Miranda
Conseillère, Chargée d'affaires a.i
Délégation Permanente du Nicaragua auprès de l'UNESCO
Nicaragua States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Egbufor Donald Egbufor
Foreign Service Officer
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Second United nations Department
Nigeria States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Chambault Miriam Chambault
Executuve advisor
Niue States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Aleksova Ana Aleksova
Desk officer
Cultural Heritage Protection Office
North Macedonia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kostov Aco Kostov
Director of the Cultural Heritage Protection Office
Cultural Heritige Protection Office
North Macedonia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Gjorgievski Hristijan Gjorgievski
Adviser to the Prime Minister
Government of the Republic of North Macedonia
North Macedonia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kostov Aco Kostov
Directorate for Protection of Cultural Heritage - Ministry of Culture
North Macedonia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Aleksova Ana Aleksova
Junior Associate for International Assistance and Cooperation
Directorate for Protection of Cultural Heritage - Ministry of Culture
Division for International Cooperation
North Macedonia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kloster Siri Kloster
Senior Adviser
Ministry of Climate and Environment
Department for Cultural Heritage Mangaement
Norway States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Fontaine Eva Hauge Fontaine
Senior Adviser
Norwegian Environment Agency
Norway States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Eriksen Ole Søe Eriksen
National Focal Point World Heritage
Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage
Norway States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Halvorsen Berit Halvorsen
Deputy Director General
Ministry of Climate and Environment
Department of Cultural Heritage Management
Norway States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Karlsen Kristin Karlsen
Chargée de Mission
Permanent Delegation of Norway to UNESCO
Norway States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Sønstebø Gaute Sønstebø
Senior Adviser
Norwegian Environment Agency
Nature Management
Norway States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Strøm Beate Strøm
Senior Advisor
Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage
International section
Norway States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Sveberg Victoria Sveberg
Stagiaire à la délégation de Norvège auprès de l'UNESCO
La délégation de Norvège auprès de l'UNESCO
Norway States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Al Jahwari Nasser Said Al Jahwari
Professor in Archaeology
Sultan Qaboos University
Department of Archaeology
Oman States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Al-Bakri Sultan Al-Bakri
An Archaeologist
The Ministry of Heritage and Culture
Oman States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Alyaqoubi Mohammed Alyaqoubi
Secretary General
Oman National Commission
Oman Nat Com
Oman States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ul-Haque Moin Ul-Haque
Ambassador/Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Pakistan to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Pakistan to UNESCO
Pakistan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Shahzad Neelofer Shahzad
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Pakistan to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Pakistan to UNESCO
Pakistan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Guerra Jurado Elia Guerra Jurado
Ambassador, Permanent Delegate
Delegación de Panamá
Delegación de Panamá
Panama States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ayala de Gambero Maria Emilia Ayala de Gambero
Second Secretary
Delegation of Paraguay to UNESCO
Paraguay States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Moreno Luz Marina Moreno
First Secretary
Delegation of Paraguay to UNESCO
Paraguay States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Lazaro Maria Theresa Lazaro
Ambassador and Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of the Philippines
Philippines States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Garcia II Jesus Enrique II Garcia II
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of the Philippines
Philippines States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Razon Pisces Joy Razon
Permanent Delegation of the Philippines
Philippines States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kowalski Wojciech Kowalski
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Legal and Treaty Department
Poland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Karlikowska Róża Karlikowska
Chargé d’affaires a.i.
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Poland to UNESCO
Poland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Marcinkowska Magdalena Marcinkowska
Deputy Director
Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland
Monuments Protection Department
Poland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Purchla Jacek Purchla
Polish National Commission for UNESCO
Polish National Commission for UNESCO
Poland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Wacławczyk Aleksandra Wacławczyk
Deputy Secretary-General
Polish National Commission for UNESCO
Polish National Commission for UNESCO
Poland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Wiśniewski Jakub Wiśniewski
Counsellor to the Minister
The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland
The Monuments Protection Department
Poland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Novoa Antonio Novoa
Delegation du Portugal
Portugal States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Oliveira Pedro Oliveira
Délégué Permanent Adjoint
Delegation du Portugal
Portugal States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Salado Teresa Salado
Technique Superieure
Delegation du Portugal
Portugal States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kim Dong-gi Kim
Ambassador and the Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Korea to UNESCO
Republic of Korea States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Korea to UNESCO
Republic of Korea States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
KIM Won Young KIM
2nd Secretary
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Korea to UNESCO
Republic of Korea States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Chirinciuc Vladimir Chirinciuc
Acting Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Moldova to UNESCO
Republic of Moldova States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Antonevici Olga Antonevici
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Moldova to UNESCO
Republic of Moldova States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Cioroianu Adrian Cioroianu
Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Romania to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of ROmania to UNESCO
Romania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Cioroianu Adrian Cioroianu
Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Romania to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of ROmania to UNESCO
Romania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Constantin Iris Constantin
External Relations Expert
National Commission of Romania for UNESCO
Romania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Pironea Flavio Pironea
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of ROmania to UNESCO
Romania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Doyle David Doyle
Ambassador to UNESCO
Government of St. Kitts and Nevis
Saint Kitts and Nevis States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
De Kerdaniel Claudine De Kerdaniel
Deputy Permanent delegate
Permanent Delegation of St Vincent and the Grenadines to UNESCO
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Salicioni Ilaria Salicioni
Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of the Republic of San Marino to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of San Marino to UNESCO
San Marino States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Guardigli Leopoldo Guardigli
First Secretary
Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of San Marino
San Marino States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Albalawi Ibrahim Albalawi
Ambassadeur, Délégué permanent
Délégation permanente du Royaume d'Arabie Saoudite auprès de l'UNESCO
Saudi Arabia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Albalawi Ibrahim Albalawi
Ambassadeur, Délégué Permanent du Royaume d'Arabie Saoudite auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation permanente du Royaume d'Arabie Saoudite auprès de l'UNESCO
Saudi Arabia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
- - -
Saudi Arabia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Albanjabi Hattan Albanjabi
Minisry of Culture
Saudi Arabia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
DIOP Souleymane Jules DIOP
Ambassadeur, Délégué permanent
Délégation permanente du Sénégal auprès de l'UNESCO
Senegal States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
SARR Mouhamadou SARR
Premier Conseiller
Délégation permanente du Sénégal auprès de l'UNESCO
Senegal States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Rastovac-Siamashvili Tamara Rastovac-Siamashvili
Permanent Delegation of Serbia to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Serbia to UNESCO
Serbia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Cubrilo Danijela Cubrilo
Minister Counsellor
Permanant Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to UNESCO
Serbia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Radegonde Louis Sylvestre Radegonde
Ambassador Permanent Delegate of the Republic of Seychelles to Unesco
Seychelles States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Agrippine Ralph Agrippine
Minister Counsellor Seychelles Embassy
Seychelles States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kosova Katarina Kosova
Director General
Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic
Ministry of culture
Slovakia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Butkovska Katarina Butkovska
Directrice générale
Ministère de l'environnement
Département de protection de la nature et de la biodiversité
Slovakia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Bororasova Simona Bororasova
Principal State Advisor
Ministry of Environment of Slovak Republic
Slovakia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kuchta Lukas Kuchta
Director International Affairs Department
Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic
Slovakia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Spanžel Špela Spanžel
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Cultural Heritage Directorate
Slovenia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Bakolo Christina Victoria Bakolo
Deputy Secretary -General
Solomon Islands National Commission for UNESCO
Solomon Islands National Commission for UNESCO
Solomon Islands States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Liligeto Sophie Liligeto
Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development
Solomon Islands States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of the Republic of South Africa to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of South Africa to UNESCO
South Africa States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Sotyu Makhotso Sotyu
Deputy Minister
Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries
Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries
South Africa States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mayile Grace Mayile
Assistant Director: Protected Areas Multilateral Programme
Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries
Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries
South Africa States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ntjnjbjo Thurgtzetzrrzetzrtzetqrsrqfdgmeka Ntjnjbjo
Acting Chief Director: Protected Areas Systems Management
Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries
Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries
South Africa States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ntloko Tumeka Ntloko
Director World Heritage Management
Department Of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment
Department Of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment
South Africa States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Personal Assistant to the Deputy Minister
Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries
Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries
South Africa States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Rahlaga Kgomotso Rahlaga
Permanent Délégation of South Africa to UNESCO
South Africa States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Saran Sherina Saran
Deputy Director: UNESCO and Health
Department of International Relations and Cooperation
Department of International Relations and Cooperation
South Africa States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Slingers-Cupido Verna Slingers-Cupido
1st Secretary
South African Permanent Delegation to UNESCO
South Africa States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Benjamin Anna Benjamin
Delegation of South Sudan
South Sudan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Lukuac Lazaro Lukuac
Delegation of South Sudan
South Sudan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Agúndez Lería María Agúndez Lería
Head of the UNESCO Convention Area
Ministry of Culture and Sports
Ministry of Culture and Sports
Spain States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Goonewardena Dilum Goonewardena
Permanent Delegation of Sri Lanka to UNESCO
Sri Lanka States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Jaya Sekara Thilini Jaya Sekara
Permanent Delegation of Sri Lanka to UNESCO
Sri Lanka States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Anastas Mounir Anastas
Permanent Delegation of Palestine
State of Palestine States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Wikman Maria Wikman
Senior Adviser
Swedish National Heritage Board
Department of Cultural Environment
Sweden States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Fält Zaar Mathilda Fält Zaar
Senior Adviser
Swedish National Heritage Board
Department of Cultural Environment
Sweden States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Hoffman Borgö Louise Hoffman Borgö
Senior Adviser
Swedish National Heritage Board
Deåartment of Cultural Environment
Sweden States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Michelet Martin Michelet
Permanent Delegation of Switzerland to UNESCO
Switzerland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Obrist Sibylle Obrist
Deputy Permanent Delegate of Switzerland
Permanent Delegation of Switzerland to UNESCO
Switzerland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ossola Carlo Ossola
Office fédéral de l'environnement
Switzerland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Phuangketkeow Sihasak Phuangketkeow
Expert and Member of Thailand National Committee on the World Heritage Convention
Thailand National Committee on the World Heritage Convention
Thailand States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Charoensuwan Sarun Charoensuwan
Ambassador and Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Thailand to UNESCO/ Royal Thai Embassy in Paris
Thailand States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Duang-Im Pramote Duang-Im
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of Thailand to UNESCO
Permanent Delegations to UNESCO
Thailand States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Bhuridej Raweewan Bhuridej
Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning
Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning
Thailand States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Phayakprakarn Korapin Phayakprakarn
Environmentalist, Senior Professional Level
Cultural and Natural Environmental Management Bureau
Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning
Thailand States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Phayakprakarn Korapin Phayakprakarn
Environmentalist, Senior Professional Level
Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning
Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning
Thailand States Parties to the World Heritage Convention