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22nd session of the General Assembly of States Parties

UNESCO, Paris 27-28 November 2019

By States Parties
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359 Participants 100%
Participants States parties Categories
Vajčner Jiří Vajčner
Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republik
Monument Care Department
Czechia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ndosso Mondonga Justin Ndosso Mondonga
Permanent Delegation of Democratic Republic of Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Petersen Bolette Lehn Petersen
Chief Senior Advisor
Agency for Culture and Palaces
Ministry of Culture
Denmark States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Jayet Takeshi Jayet
PeDel Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Dore Castillo Patricia Dore Castillo
Minister Counsellor
Permanent Delegation to the UNESCO
Dominican Republic States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Jorge Michelle Jorge
Permanent Delegation to the UNESCO
Dominican Republic States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Jorge Michelle Jorge
PerDel Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Torres Pereyra Ernesto Torres Pereyra
Ministre Conseillé
Délégation permanente de la République dominicaine auprès de l'UNESCO
Dominican Republic States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Badawy Ehab Badawy
Ambassador Permanent Delegate of Egypt to UNESCO
Egypt States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Abdelwahab Wael Abdelwahab
Deputy Permanent Delegate of Egypt to UNESCO
Egypt States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Morsy Amr Morsy
First Secretary
Permanent Delegation of Egypt to UNESCO
Egypt States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Moreira De Lemoine Rosa Moreira De Lemoine
Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of El Salvador to UNESCO
El Salvador States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Durler Escobar Nicole Durler Escobar
Permanent Delegation of El Salvador to UNESCO
El Salvador States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Nfumu Eyenga Santiago Ngua Nfumu Eyenga
Ambassadeur, Délégué Permanent
Delegation permanente de la Guinée Equatoriale
Equatorial Guinea States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Samba Ovono Obono Maria José Samba Ovono Obono
Premier Conseiller
Delegation permanente de la Guinée Equatoriale
Equatorial Guinea States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Paulos Bereket Paulos
Chargé d'affaires a.i.
Ambassade de l'Etat d'Erythrée
Délégation de l’Érythrée
Eritrea States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Siim Margit Siim
Coordinator of Culture Programmes
Estonian National Commission for UNESCO
Estonia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Hlophe Phunzile Hlophe
Secretary General
Eswatini States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mulugeta Feseha Mulugeta
Director General
Ethiopia, Federal Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage
Ethiopia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Burchell Alison Burchell
Secretary General
Natcom Fiji
Fiji States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Wessman Stefan Wessman
Head of Developement
Finnish Heritage Agency
Section for international affairs
Finland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Immonen Piia Immonen
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Delegation of Finland to UNESCO
Delegation of Finland to UNESCO
Finland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ahonen Iida Ahonen
Permanent Delegation of Finland to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Finland to UNESCO
Finland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Boisson-Saint-Martin Béatrice Boisson-Saint-Martin
Responsavle du pôle patrimoine mondial-UNESCO
Ministère de la Culture
Département des affaires européennes et internationales
France States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Favel Bruno Favel
Chef de Département des affaires européennes et internationales
Ministère de la Culture
Direction générale des patrimoines
France States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mahin Marie Mahin
Chargé de mission patrimoine mondial
Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire
France States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Reuss Peter Reuss
Permanent Delegation of Germany to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Germany to UNESCO
Germany States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ringbeck alias Ringbeck
Germany States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Lochen Martina Lochen
Desk officer
Permanent Delegation of Germany to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Germany to UNESCO
Germany States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ofosu Ntiamoah Kingsley Ofosu Ntiamoah
Executive Director
Ghana Museums and Monuments Board
Ghana States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Wellington Riche-Mike Wellington
Chief Program Officer
Ghana National Commission for UNESCO
Ghana States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Wetcher Christopher Wetcher
Program Officer for Culture
Ghana National Commission for UNESCO
Ghana States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Dimitropoulou Vassiliki Dimitropoulou
Art Historian
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports
Directorate of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Antiquities
Greece States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Gerousi Eygenia Gerousi
Focal Point of Greece Director of The National Archive of Monuments
hellenic Ministry of Culture
Greece States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Hengstnberg Delgado Julissa Hengstnberg Delgado
Ministre conseiller
Délégation permanente du Guatemala auprès de l'Unesco
Guatemala States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Jules James Samuel Jules
Conseiller, Chargé d'Affaires par intérim
Délégation Permanente Haïti auprès de L'UNESCO
Haiti States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Follo Francesco Follo
Holy See
Holy See States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
de Panfilis Elena de Panfilis
Holy See States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ramirez Aldana Roberto Ramirez Aldana
Délégation Permanente du Honduras auprès de l'UNESCO
Honduras States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Funes José Antonio Funes
Ministre Conseiller
Délégation Permanente du Honduras auprès de l'UNESCO
Honduras States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Turóczy László Turóczy
Permanent Delegation of Hungary to UNESCO
Hungary States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Virágos Gábor Virágos
Prime Minister's Office
Hungary States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Zeichner Anna Zeichner
II. secretary
Permanent Delegation of Hungary
Hungary States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Thorarinsdottir Ragnheidur Helga Thorarinsdottir
Senior Advisor
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
Culture Department
Iceland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Jonsdottir Vilhelmina Jonsdottir
National Focal Point for World Heritage / Senior Advisor
Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs
Iceland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kadim Dawood Ayad Kadim Dawood
Head of International Organizations Section
Ministry of Culture
The Permanent Delegation of Iraq to UNESCO
Iraq States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Nezer David Nezer
Deputy chief of delegation
Permanent Delegation of Israel to International Organizations
Israel States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Gamburg Yaron Gamburg
Embassy of Israel to international organizations in France
Israel States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Cohen Eleanor Cohen
Israel States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Lustig Nufar Lustig
Israeli Delegation to the international organizations
Israel States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Riccardo Massimo Riccardo
Permanent Delegate of Italy to UNESCO
Italy States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Misitano Marina Misitano
Attaché culturel
Permanent Delegation of Italy to UNESCO
Italy States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Giordano Tommaso Giordano
Permanent Delegation of Italy to UNESCO
Italy States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Archibald Jo-Anne Archibald
Principal Director
Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport
Culture and Creative Industries Policy Division
Jamaica States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Sealy Monteith Sheila Sealy Monteith
Ambassador/ Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Jamaica to UNESCO
Jamaica States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Palmer Debra-Kay Palmer
Director, World Heritage and Cultural Conventions
Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport
Culture and Creative Industries Policy Division
Jamaica States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Hata Hideyuki Hata
Unit chief
Agency for Cultural Affairs
World Cultural Heritage Nomination Unit, Office for International Cooperation on Cultural Heritages
Japan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Suzuki Chihei Suzuki
Agency for Cultural Affairs
Japan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Queisi Makram Queisi
Chef de la Délégation de Jordanie auprès de l'UNESCO
Jordan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Hindawi Mohammed Hindawi
Deputy Head of Mission/Chargé d'affaires p.i.
Délégation de Jordanie auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation de Jordanie auprès de l'UNESCO
Jordan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Alzoubi Thuria Alzoubi
Délégation de Jordanie auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation de Jordanie auprès de l'UNESCO
Jordan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Al Omoush Baker Al Omoush
Cultural affairs officer
UNESCO Centre du Patrimoine mondial
Jordan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Al-Adwan Faris Al-Adwan
Second Secretary
UNESCO Centre du Patrimoine mondial
Jordan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Galiev Jean Galiev
Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Kazakhstan to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Kazakhstan to UNESCO
Kazakhstan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Abdrakhmanov Askar Abdrakhmanov
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Kazakhstan to UNESCO
Kazakhstan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Baissabayeva Aliya Baissabayeva
First Secretary
Permanent Delegation of Kazakhstan to UNESCO
Kazakhstan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kibunjia Mzalendo Kibunjia
National Museums of Kenya
Kenya States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Gichuhi Hellen Gichuhi
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Kenya to UNESCO
Kenya States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Awando Mary Nyimbae Awando
First Counsellor
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Cultural Diplomacy Directorate
Kenya States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Plahar Akuorkor Plahar
Programme Officer
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Kenya to UNESCO
Kenya States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Taawetia Tebatoki Taawetia
Senior Education Officer
Ministry of Education
Kiribati States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
AlQallaf Jaber AlQallaf
Cultural Heritage Expert
Department of Architectural And Engineering Affairs
Kuwait States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kadyraliev Azamat Kadyraliev
Permanent Delegation of Kirghizistan
Kyrgyzstan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Vaisvilaite Irena Vaisvilaite
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Lithuania to UNESCO
Lithuania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Marcinkevičius Gytis Marcinkevičius
Deputy permanent delegate
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Lithuania to UNESCO
Lithuania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Tamosaityte Kristina Tamosaityte
Second Secretary
Permanent delegation of Lithaunia to UNESCO
Lithuania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Reisen Thomas Reisen
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Mission to UNESCO
Luxembourg States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Pieters Julie Pieters
Chargée de mission
Ambassade du Luxembourg en France et à Monaco
Affaires politiques
Luxembourg States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Binti Abidin Zuraini Binti Abidin
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Malaysia to UNESCO
Malaysia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Nazla Hawwa Nazla
Director General
National Center for the Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage
Maldives States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Coulibaly Moulaye Coulibaly
Directeur du patrimoine du Mali
Patrimoine du Mali
Mali States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Camara Aïssi Fatoumata Camara Aïssi
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Mali to UNESCO
Mali States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Vella Gauci Joseph Vella Gauci
Ambassador and Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Malta to UNESCO
Malta States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Sultana Matthew Sultana
Desk Officer
Permanent Delegation of Malta to UNESCO
Malta States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Valaydon Vijayen Valaydon
Permanent Delegate of the Republic of Mauritius
Permament Delegation of Mauritius to UNESCO
Mauritius States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Yap San Min Vee Lim Yap San Min
Second Secretary
Permanent Delegation of Mauritius to UNESCO
Mauritius States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Bhugun Hans Irvin Antish Bhugun
Deputy Permanent Delegate of Mauritius
Permanent Delegation of Mauritius to UNESCO
Mauritius States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ramdhian Harrveen Kumar Ramdhian
Second Secretary
Permanent Delegation of Mauritius to UNESCO
Mauritius States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Vidargas Francisco Vidargas
Directeur adjoint / Point focal culturel national
Institut national d'anthropologie et d'histoire
Direction du patrimoine mondial
Mexico States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Morales Cirion Gustavo Morales Cirion
Mexico States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Labarrere Benjamin Labarrere
Conseiller, Délégué permanent adjoint
Délégation Permanente de Monaco
Monaco States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Korczak Agatha Korczak
Second Secretary
Pemanent Delegation of Monaco to UNESCO
Pemanent Delegation of Monaco to UNESCO
Monaco States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Battur Avirmid Battur
Ambassador, Permanent Delegate
Ambassade de Mongolie
Ambassade de Mongolie
Mongolia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Bilegzaya Bat-Erdene Bilegzaya
Third Secretary
Ambassade de Mongolie
Ambassade de Mongolie
Mongolia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ivanisevic Ivan Ivanisevic
Ambassadeur, Délégué permanent du Monténégro auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation permanente du Monténégro auprès de l'UNESCO
Montenegro States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Radulovic Zdenka Radulovic
Ministre Conseiller
Délégation permanente du Monténégro auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation permanente du Monténégro auprès de l'UNESCO
Montenegro States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Soukaina Faqih Soukaina
Ministère des affaires étrangères
Morocco States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Zehairi Hassan Zehairi
Morocco States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Chit Wutt Yee Phyo Chit
Second Secretary
Permanent Delegation to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation to UNESCO
Myanmar States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Swe Thaung Nwe Swe
First Secretary
Permanent Delegation to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation yo UNESCO
Myanmar States Parties to the World Heritage Convention