I discover my heritage: heritage educational process in Rabat
Under the presidency of Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa, the Foundation for the Safeguarding of the Cultural Heritage of Rabat has set up the programme "I discover my heritage" for the benefit of 3720 secondary school students from 62 secondary schools in Rabat in partnership with the Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports and the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication of Morocco, in collaboration with UNESCO.
With the objective of facilitating access to heritage through the adhesion and federation of different actors and stakeholders, the Foundation's educational programme began with the creation of the kit "I discover my heritage" by contextualising the UNESCO educational kit "World Heritage in Young Hands" to the cultural heritage of Rabat and its many forms of expression with the introduction of notions of modern heritage and world heritage. The pedagogical adaptation of the kit to national education systems was carried out in order to facilitate its appropriation by teachers who received training on the use of the kit by heritage and education professionals.
For several months, the secondary school students were led by their teachers through the activities proposed in the kit "I discover my heritage" and visited the property inscribed on the World Heritage List "Rabat, modern capital and historic city: a shared heritage" under the supervision of heritage professionals (archaeologists, heritage architects, site curators, etc.).
"The Foundation's efforts to raise awareness among young schoolchildren in Rabat are to be commended, as they make them aware of the importance of world heritage for a better understanding of their history and culture. This is why this kit, which is to be promoted, is an excellent pedagogical tool for teachers who wish to educate young people who could become the future guardians of world heritage,"
The contextualisation of the Kit to the city of Rabat and its educational vocation represent essential tools to strengthen the position of culture in educational processes. The Kit aims to involve young people and strengthen their commitment to the preservation of the cultural heritage of their city. In addition to the publication of the kit, which is distributed to teachers and available on the website https://fspcrabat.ma/programmes/programme-je-decouvre-mon-patrimoine/, the programme is enriched by several activities, including discussions, guided tours, research and exercises developed by pedagogues and heritage professionals.
A prize-giving ceremony for all the beneficiaries of the programme will take place towards the end of June 2022.
Contact: Yousra Aannour y.aannour@fspcrabat.org