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World Heritage Convention

245 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 2003close
Session: 27COM 2003close
By Year
The World Heritage Committee [29], 1. Having examined the state of conservation of this property,; 2. Underscores the importance of reinforcing the legal management and development control mechanisms provided under the existing 5-zone management scheme for the property; 3. Requests the State Party to evaluate and possibly redefine the World Heritage protective boundaries and management guidelines pertaining to Zones 4 and 5 taking into consideration the findings of the recent research which indicate that the mandala form of the main monument is repeated at a larger scale in the ...
The World Heritage Committee [31],1. Having examined the state of conservation of the property for the first time since its inscription on the World Heritage List in 1998,;2. Expressing its appreciation to the State Party for examining the potential negative and irreversible impact of the construction of the Keinawa Motorway could have upon the World Heritage value of the property,;3. Encourages the State Party to continue making efforts to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the property; 4. Suggests that the concerned authorities continue their efforts in informing the local ...
The World Heritage Committee [32],1. Recalling Decision 26 COM 21 (b) 54 expressing concern over the growing incidents of violation of the conservation plan of Luang Prabang (PSMV), including public works being carried out by the Urban Development Administrative Authority (UDAA) under the Asian Development Bank for Secondary Cities, undermining the World Heritage value of the Town of Luang Prabang,;2. Reiterating the fragility of these values based on the relationship between the natural and built environment, the traditional urban morphology and the fusion of traditional Lao and French ...
The World Heritage Committee [33], 1. Having examined the state of conservation of the property for the first time since its inscription on the World Heritage List in 2001,; 2. Takes notes,, with appreciation, of the continued support provided by the Governments of Japan and Italy to assist the national authorities in the implementation of the activities approved in the Site Management Plan; 3. Emphasizes the importance of adherence to the government-approved management plan for the property, which was included within the nomination file originally submitted to the World Heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Expresses its appreciation to the State Party for receiving the Second High Level Mission;2. Notes with grave concern that the traditional elements of heritage of six of the seven Monument Zones had been partially or significantly lost since the time of inscription, resulting in a general loss of authenticity and integrity of the property as a whole;3. Notes furthermore with concern that although the responsibleconcerned authorities have made efforts with some positive results, the threat of uncontrolled development has persisted, which continuously ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Recalling decision 26 COM 21(b) 62 taken by the Committee at its 26th session in 2002,;2. Notes with regret that the report on the state of conservation requested by the Committee from the State Party was not received in time for the examination by the Committee at its 27th session in 2003;3. Regrets that the construction of the new Maya Devi Temple has been completed in spite of the grave concerns expressed by the Committee at its 26th session;4. Reiterates its request to the State Party to provide information concerning the management mechanisms which ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Takes note of the information provided by the State Party and the World Heritage Centre on the state of conservation of the Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple;2. Congratulates the State Party on the decision to withdraw the proposal to build a new structure within the vicinity of the World Heritage property of Seokguram Grotto to ensure the conservation of the authenticity and integrity of the heritage area and in particular, the pristine natural setting of the property.
The World Heritage Committee [34],1. Expresses its appreciation to the State Party, CRATerre (Centre Régional pour l'architecture en terre) and the World Heritage Centre for their continued co-operation to enhance conservation and management of this large property;2. Requests the State Party to strengthen the legal protection and management mechanism to safeguard the extensive property, especially to prevent looting of excavated archaeological areas, particularly necropolises, and to enhance communication among the various international teams working on-site, which ideally should be ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Noting with concern the findings and recommendations of the UNESCO expert following the urgent request of the State Party to assess the state of conservation of the Ak Sarai Palace and other main buildings within Shakhrisyabz,;2. Recalling that at the time of the inscription on the World Heritage List, the State Party had assured the World Heritage Committee on plans to elaborate a comprehensive conservation and management plan to strengthen the conservation process at this property,  3. Recalling further that no international assistance has been made ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Expressing its appreciation to the Austrian authorities for their strong commitment to the implementation of the World Heritage Convention and the considerable efforts in finding a suitable solution in close collaboration with ICOMOS and the World Heritage Centre,;2. Acknowledges the establishment of a management plan for the Historic Centre of Vienna;3. Further acknowledges the decision of the city authorities to revise the design of the "Wien-Mitte" project and to launch an architectural competition on city planning and to amend the relevant building ...
The World Heritage Committee [35],1. Expressing its appreciation to the State Party and the authorities in Salzburg and ICOMOS for their collaboration concerning this project,   2. Requests the State Party and City of Salzburg to further collaborate with the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS in the future development and review of the project; 3. Further requests the State Party to provide an up-dated report to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2004 in order that the World Heritage Committee can examine the state of conservation of the property at its 28th session in 2004. [35]  ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Regrets that it was not informed at the time of inscription in 2000 that an earthquake had just taken place;2. Acknowledging the recent efforts of the national authorities to address the issues of conservation at the property,;3. Welcomes the newly signed Presidential Decree as an important step towards the legal protection and future safeguarding of the property;4. Notes with concern the state of conservation of the property and expresses its deepest concerns over the considerable loss of authenticity due in part to the earthquake in 2000 and to the urban ...
The World Heritage Committee [36],1. Taking note of the report transmitted by the State Party and of the fact that an extension of the World Heritage property in order to better protect the World Heritage area is to be submitted for examination,;2. Congratulates the State Party on the actions undertaken in accordance with the recommendations made by the ICOMOS mission and by the 25th session of the Committee in 2001;3. Requests the State Party to continue working in close consultation with ICOMOS and the World Heritage Centre for the implementation of the rest of the actions foreseen in ...
The World Heritage Committee [37],1. Taking note of the development of the project for the re-establishment of the maritime character of the Mont-Saint-Michel prepared by the State Party,;2. Congratulates the State Partym for their continuing commitment to the protection of the World Heritage property;3. Recommends to the State Party that it takes into account the needs of the residents of the Mont-Saint-Michel in the implementation of the project,4. Requests the World Heritage Centre to continue working with the State Party and to keep the Committee informed. [37] Decision adopted ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Recalling the decision taken at the 26th session of the Committee in 2002 (26 COM 21 (b) 46), to carry out a mission to the property and for a report to be provided by the State Party,2. Reminds the State Party of its responsibilities as described in Article 6 of the World Heritage Convention to ensure the preservation and conservation of World Heritage properties;3. Urgently requests the World Heritage Centre, the Advisory Bodies and the State Party to work closely together to ensure timely organisation of a joint mission and for a detailed report to be ...
The World Heritage Committee [38],1. Noting the information provided by the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS on the current situation at the property,;2. Recalling paragraph 56 of the Operational Guidelines, inviting States Parties to provide information to the World Heritage Centre in case of major planning decisions affecting a World Heritage property,; 3. Requests the State Party and City of Cologne to collaborate with the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS in the review of the building plans;4. Requests the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS to arrange a mission to the property in ...
The World Heritage Committee [39],1. Expressing its appreciation to the State Party for the report and the decision to change the plans for the projects on the market square,;2. Requests the State Party and the City of Lübeck to collaborate with the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS in the development of the plans for the buildings; ;3. Further requests the State Party to provide an updated report to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2004 in order that the World Heritage Committee can examine the state of conservation of the property at its 28th session in 2004. [39]  Decision ...
1. Expressing its appreciation to the State Party for the information on the Havel Project,;2. Expressing concern regarding the impact of the fire at Glienicke Castle,; 3. Requests the State Party to keep the Committee informed of any future development of the "Havel Waterway Improvement Project" and to provide up-dated information to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2004 in order that the World Heritage Committee can examine the state of conservation of the property at its 28th session in 2004. [40]  Decision adopted without ...
The World Heritage Committee [41],1. Expresses its appreciation to the State Party for the information provided on the Elbe Waterway Project;2. Expresses concern for the degradation of the natural environment and the buildings of the Garden Kingdom due to the flooding; 3. Requests the State Party to provide information to the World Heritage Centre should the authorities of Saxony-Anhalt take any steps towards continuing the Elbe construction project. 4. Further requests the State Party to provide information to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2004 on the current conditions and the ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Regrets that the Greek authorities did not provide the report requested by 1 February 2003 until 2 July 2003;2. Recalls its request (26 COM 21 (b) 49) that the State Party give urgent consideration to a redefinition of the buffer zone in order to better protect the visual setting of the monument;3. Further recalls its request (26 COM 21 (b) 49) that the State Party provide information on any development projects, which may impact on the visual integrity of the World Heritage property and undertake a visual impact study, notably concerning the property of ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Regrets that the State Party has not provided the information requested on the municipal waste incinerator in the vicinity of the World Heritage property;2. Recalling paragraph 56 of the Operational Guidelines, inviting States Parties to provide information to the World Heritage Centre in case of major planning decisions affecting a World Heritage property,;3. Urges the State Party to provide the information requested, including an Environmental Impact Assessment at the earliest opportunity; 4. Requests UNESCO and ICOMOS to undertake a mission in ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Noting the information provided by the Latvian authorities on the construction project within the buffer zone,; 2. Recalls the protective provisions of the World Heritage Convention and its Operational Guidelines;3. Acknowledges the adoption of the Law on the Preservation and Protection of Riga's Historical centre in April 2003; and urges the State Party to implement it;4. Considers that any high-rise development at the waterfront is not appropriate for Riga's flat urban situation, and that currently one construction project is ongoing, and its complete ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Recalling the decision taken at its 26th session in 2002 (26 COM 21 (b) 57) concerning the Curonian Spit,;2. Further recalling Article 6.3 of the World Heritage Convention, which states that "each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to take any deliberate measures which might damage directly or indirectly the cultural and natural heritage... situated on the territory of other States Parties of this Convention",;3. Urges both State Parties to work co-operatively on the project's Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), preparation of risk ...
Sites: Curonian Spit
The World Heritage Committee,1. Expresses its appreciation to the State Party for its efforts in prolonging the Strategic Programme for the Oświęcim Area; 2. Notes the additional information provided by the Polish authorities on the Programme and other activities at the property;3. Urges the national and local authorities to prepare the management plan in collaboration with UNESCO and ICOMOS;4. Acknowledges with appreciation the financial support provided by the State Party of Israel; 5. Requests an updated report to be provided by the State Party of Poland to the World Heritage Centre by ...
The World Heritage Committee [42],1. Taking note of the report on the state of conservation of the Cultural Landscape of Sintra provided by the State Party,;2. Notes that progress has been achieved in view of some recommendations made in 2000, including the restoration works on the Quinta da Regaleira; 3. Further notes that several elements of the World Heritage property are in serious condition;4. Recalls its request for a detailed management plan for the property which should have been submitted by 31 December 2001; 5. Urges the State Party to submit the management plan to the World ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Congratulating the State Party on the decision to relocate the proposed theme park,;2. Takes note of the progress made with regard to restoration projects and protection measures and the intention to request technical assistance under the World Heritage Fund in order to enhance the state of conservation of the property; 3. Requests the State Party to comply as soon as possible with the additional recommendations made by the international mission and the decision by the 26th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2002 (26 COM 21 (b) 67), i.e. to prepare ...
The World Heritage Committee [43],1. Recalling its decisions taken at the 25th extraordinary session of the Bureau in 2001 (Helsinki),;2. Expresses its appreciation to the authorities of the State Party for their commitment to the preservation of the property;3. Takes note of the report and recommendations provided by the International Workshop with regard to the future conservation of this property under threat; 4. Encourages the State Party, the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies to continue to collaborate and to closely follow the future development of the conservation ...
Sites: Kizhi Pogost
The World Heritage Committee [44],1. Expressing its appreciation to the State Party for the report on the overall conservation of the property,2. Requests the State Party to keep the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS informed of any future projects, which may have an impact on the property and to provide a report to the World Heritage Centre on traffic and conservation issues at the property, by 1 February 2004 in order that the World Heritage Committee can examine the state of conservation of the property at its 28th session in 2004. [44]  Decision adopted without ...
The World Heritage Committee [45],1. Taking note that the Spanish authorities have not provided any official information concerning the current state of the constructions plans for the Auditorium,;2. Recalling that the walled garden of the Adoratrices is an integral part of the protected core area of the property ‘Old City of Salamanca',;3. Recalling further that when inscribing the property in 1988, the Committee requested the Spanish authorities to take all possible steps to ensure that the laws concerning the protection of the town be strictly applied,; 4. Recalling finally its ...
The World Heritage Committee [46], 1. Acknowledging the information received from the State Party in 2002,; 2. Expresses concern about the dam project and its effects on the World Heritage property of the Route of Santiago de Compostela; 3. Requests the State Party to provide a report to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2004 in order that the World Heritage Committee can examine the state of conservation of the property at its 28th session in 2004. [46]  Decision adopted without discussion.
The World Heritage Committee,  1. Acknowledging that the Spanish authorities have provided, as requested by the World Heritage Centre, information concerning the current state of the construction plan for the Plaza Santa Teresa,;2. Recalling that the Plaza Santa Teresa has been included in the nomination file as part of the protected area of the property ‘Old Town of Avila', being the buffer zone between the Puerta del Alcazar and the Church of San Pedro,; 3. Recalling also that when inscribing the property in 1985, the extra-muros Church of San Pedro was included in the listed area, as ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Expresses its appreciation to the State Party for submitting the draft zoning of the Historic Peninsula of Istanbul to the World Heritage Centre for comments;2. Recalling the repeated concerns expressed by the World Heritage Committee over the delay in the approval of a new urban conservation plan since the abrogation of the previous plan in 1997, and the deterioration of the Ottoman epoch timber buildings in Zeyrek,;3. Further recalling concerns over the impact of the construction of the subway system on the archaeological deposits in the historic ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Expresses its appreciation to the State PartyUkraine authorities for their rapid response to the threats and the programme of action adopted for the property;2. Acknowledging the progress made with legal protection of the property through a presidential decree,;3. Expresses, however, its serious concern for the preservation of the property and in particular for the conservation of the Cathedral and the Belfry;4. Requests the State Party to provide a detailed technical report to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2004 on the research and on planned or ...
The World Heritage Committee [47], 1. Expresses its appreciation to the national authorities as well as the local authorities for their prompt and brave action undertaken during the blaze and immediately after;2. Takes note of the actions taken by the Edinburgh City Council and Historic Scotland in close co-operation to develop a remedial action plan for the area;   3. Takes note that involved stakeholders are studying a conservation plan for the property and that any re-development of the area affected will take full account of the character and medieval pattern of this part of the World ...
The World Heritage Committee [48],1. Taking note of the changes made to the construction technique for the tunnel,;2. Welcomes the State Party's decision to construct a bored tunnel, which is less damaging for the Stonehenge, Avebury  and Associated Sites  World Heritage property than a cut-and-cover tunnel;3. Noting that the Environmental Impact Assessment of the road improvements to the A303 are available on the web site www.highways.gsi.gov.uk ,4. Requests the State Party to provide a progress report to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2004 in order that the World Heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee [49],1. Taking note of the report provided by the State Party on the building project that could have a negative impact on the World Heritage property,;2. Notes the actions foreseen by the State Party to undertake an in-depth study on the possible impact of such project;3. Recommends to the State Party to avoid any construction in the immediate vicinity of the property that could harm the setting and integrity of the property;4. Requests the State Party to provide to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2004 a report on this matter for examination by the in ...
The World Heritage Committee [50], 1. Takes note of and welcomes the initiative to implement a sub-regional capacity- building programme for the conservation, management and sustainable development of the Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis (2003to 2005);2. Welcomes the co-operation established to this effect between UNESCO and the World Monuments Fund; 3. Requests the World Heritage Centre to provide information on the implementation and results of the programme [50]  Decision adopted without discussion.
The World Heritage Committee [51],1. Takes note of the report transmitted by the State Party; 2. Commends the Brazilian authorities for their commitment towards the preservation of this modern city in development, which could set standards for similar properties around the world; 3. Encourages the further development and implementation of the Master Plan and the continued involvement of all relevant levels of authority, professional organizations and different sectors of society in the ongoing process of protection and management of the city; 4. Requests that the State Party submit a ...
Sites: Brasilia
The World Heritage Committee,1. Taking note of the report transmitted by the State Party,;2. Commending the Brazilian authorities for their concerted effort in restoring the damage caused by the floods,; 3. Recognizing the need for integrated urban and environmental protection of the city centre of Goias to mitigate future impact of heavy rains,; 4. Requests, however, more detailed information, in particular concerning the construction of the road; 5. Further requests that a monitoring mission be carried out by ICOMOS to assess results of the restoration works carried out and impact of ...
The World Heritage Committee [52],1. Commends the State Party for having requested a monitoring mission;2. Expresses concern for the damage caused by the 15 April 2003 fire, which destroyed an 18th century building in the historical centre of Ouro Preto;3. Urges the State Party to take risk-preparedness measures and to include them in the management plan of the property;4. Urges the State Party to define a core zone and a buffer zone for the nominated area by 15 October 2003 and to finalize the revised management plan;5. Requests the State Party to submit a report to the World Heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee [53],1. Strongly recommends that the State Party define and implement a detailed restoration plan for the Churches included on the World Heritage List;2. Requests the State Party to submit a detailed report to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2004 on the work carried out in order that the World Heritage Committee can examine the state of conservation of the property at its 28th session in 2004. [53]  Decision adopted without discussion.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Taking note of the report provided by the State Party,; 2. Recognizing the need to provide for proper on-site visitor facilities, such as public bathrooms,;3. Recalling, however, paragraph 56 of the Operational Guidelines, which states that "the World Heritage Committee invites the State Parties to the Convention [...] to inform the Committee, through the UNESCO Secretariat, of their intention to undertake or to authorize in an area protected under the Convention major restorations or new constructions which may affect the World Heritage value of the ...
The World Heritage Committee [54], 1. Takes note of the report transmitted by the State Party;2. Regrets that the restoration and enlargement works have been nearly completed without a proper environmental assessment being executed on the impact of these works on the historic setting and fabric of the World Heritage property; 3. Strongly recommends a closer institutional coordination between the different governmental departments approving and supervising restoration and reconstruction works in the Colonial City of Santo Domingo; 4. Encourages the adoption and strong enforcement of the ...
The World Heritage Committee [55], 1. Takes note of the finalization of the management plan;2. Congratulates the State Party for its concerted efforts in completing the Plan;3. and Expresses its appreciation to the Getty Conservation Institute for its important contribution in this field;4. Recognizes, because of the vulnerable nature of the property, the need to reinforce the property as a research laboratory in archaeology and conservation, that can also be useful for the sub-region;5. Invites the State Party to reinforce the on-site staff and to set up a coordination committee with the ...