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World Heritage Convention

8194 Decisions
146 Resolutions
By Year
XII.3 After approval of the budget for 1994, the Committee adopted the two following recommendations and decisions for the execution of the budget: The Monitoring budget, which provides for both on-site monitoring and coordinating workshops of site managers, will respect an appropriate flexible ratio in the allocation of resources between natural and cultural programmes. Included in the budget for "Other" amounting to US$340,000, is support for training schools and seminars (e.g. Mweka, Tanzania) in developing countries and for individuals from developing countries to attend training ...
XII.4 The Committee also decided that: A balance sheet should be presented by the Director of the Centre at the end of each year. An amount of US$2 million of the undisposed balance of the Fund should be blocked as a Contingency Reserve. The Chairperson was authorized to commit up to 20% of the 1995 indicative budget in 1994 for 1995 expenditure if it was considered necessary for the smooth implementation of the programme, on condition that such commitments are within the limits of funds available and that expenditure was made in accordance with the Operational Guidelines for the ...
XIII.2 After having reviewed the requests for technical cooperation, several delegates recalled that the Committee, during its sixteenth session, signaled the need for a systematic evaluation of World Heritage activities. In this context the Delegate of Germany proposed that biennial reports be prepared by the Centre and presented to the Committee on the implementation of international assistance provided by the World Heritage Fund. The Delegate pointed out that this information was crucial for the evaluation of successive requests for the same site or project, also in view of the fact ...
XIII.1 The Committee examined document WHC­93/CONF .002/10Rev of 5 December 1993 and the Rapporteur of the outgoing Bureau reported on the requests for international assistance approved by the Bureau as well as on the following recommendations to the Committee: A. Technical Assistance Natural Heritage Sangay National Park, EcuadorThe Committee recalled that Sangay National Park was on the List of World Heritage in Danger. As requested, IUCN presented a monitoring report on the site. The Committee approved a request for US$ 28,500 for communications equipment, solar panels and donkeys ...
B. Training Natural Heritage School for the Training of Wildlife Specialists, Garoua/CameroonThe Committee reviewed a request for US$ 43,667 for a training seminar to be held in Cameroon in 1994. The Committee approved a sum of US$ 35,000 pending receipt by the Centre of more detailed information and a justification of the estimated costs.  Training Course - ENGREF (France)The Committee reviewed a request for US$ 40,000 and after considerable discussion approved a sum of US$ 30,000 for a training course by ENGREF to be held in the Tai National Park and World Heritage site. The ...
C. Emergency Assistance Cultural Heritage Old Walled City of Shibam, YemenHaving taken note of the state of conservation report presented by the Secretariat which clearly illustrated the emergency situation in Shibam, the Committee approved the request for emergency assistance for the amount of US$ 40,500 for emergency measures regarding the drainage system in Shibam (US$ 30,500) and expert services in this field (US$ 10,000). The Committee asked the Centre to inform the Yemeni authorities that they could submit an additional emergency request for consideration by the Bureau at its next ...
XIV.1 The former Rapporteur of the Committee introduced the working document WHC-93/CONF.002/11 consisting of a revised text of the Operational Guidelines concerninq the implementation of the World Heritage Convention. This text took into consideration the request of the Committee, expressed at its session in Santa Fe in 1992, that the Strategic Orientations be incorporated in the Guidelines, together with the proposals made by two States Parties, Italy and the United States of America. He explained that the Bureau, at its seventeenth session (Paris, June 1993) examined the proposed ...
XVI.1 The Committee reviewed document WHC-93/CONF.002/9 and information document WHC-93/CONF.002/INF.4. The Committee recalled the decisions taken at its sixteenth session in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1992 to include cultural landscapes on the World Heritage List, in particular the revision of the cultural criteria of the Operational Guidelines. The Committee took note of the outcome of the expert meeting held in October 1993 in Templin, Germany, at the request of the Committee. The Committee appreciated the organization of the meeting by the World Heritage Centre, assisted by the German ...
XVII.1 The Committee decided that the eighteenth session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee will be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 4 to 9 July 1994. The Committee adopted the provisional agenda for the eighteenth session of the Bureau as outlined in Document WHC­93/CONF.002/12 with an additional agenda item "International Assistance Projects, Reporting and Evaluation". XVII.2 The Delegate of Thailand transmitted the invitation by the Royal Government of Thailand to host the eighteenth session of the Committee in Thailand. The Representative of the ...
XVIII.1 The Colombian Delegate emphazised the need to analyse the spirit and objectives of the World Heritage Convention in the context of recent developments and negotiations related to environmental issues, in particular the outcome of the UNCED meeting held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The Delegate requested the Secretariat to prepare for the next Bureau meeting a reflection on possible relations between the concept of the world natural heritage and sustainable development and the linkages between the World Heritage Convention, the Biodiversity Convention and other Conventions. The ...
A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1 Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.1 Preparatory assistance A.1.1.1 Réserve naturelle de Faune à Okapi de l'Ituri (Zaire) The Bureau took note of the preparatory assistance request by Zaire being reduced from US$15,000 to US$10,000. Further, following the advice of a WWF project at the site, the Bureau decided to further reduce this sum to US$ 3,000. It was noted that the current level of legal protection was inadequate and the site should be upgraded to National Parks legislation prior to an eventual ...
A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1  Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.2  Technical co-operation A.1.2.1  Technical assistance request for Lake Malawi National Park (Malawi) The Bureau approved a technical assistance request for a total of US$ 16,000 subject to the Government of Malawi making full payment of its dues to the World Heritage Fund. The project involves the purchase of equipment (boats, tents, diving equipment, life jackets and binoculars) for Lake Malawi National ...
A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1 Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.2 Technical co-operation A.1.2.2 Manu National Park (Peru) The Bureau approved a sum of US$ 20,000 for a technical cooperation request for Manu National Park to be implemented by the park director and financially administrated by the Peruvian Foundation for the Conservation of Nature, which is also supporting the project. The Bureau furthermore recalled that IUCN gave a state of conservation report on the site some years ago and that other projects (WWF and GEF funding) are carried out at the ...
A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1  Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.2  Technical co-operation A.1.2.3 Huascaran National Park (Peru) The Bureau approved a sum of US$ 20,000 for a project at Huascaran National Park involving staff training in ecology, public awareness, a seminar involving local peoples and an environmental education workshop, as well as the publication of interpretative material for the Park.
A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1  Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.2  Technical co-operation A.1.2.4 Sangay National Park (Ecuador) The Bureau recalled that Sangay National Park was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger at the sixteenth session of the World Heritage Committee in Santa Fe. The Bureau deferred a decision on this US$28,500 project until the monitoring report has been examined at the seventeenth session of the ...
A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1  Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.2 Technical co-operation A.1.2.5 Mount Nimba (Guinea) The Bureau examined a request for US$45,000 for the World Heritage Site in Danger. It recommended a reduction of the project to US$30,000 and deferred a decision until the monitoring report is presented at the seventeenth session of the ...
A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1  Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.2 Technical co-operation A.1.2.6 Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) The Bureau examined a technical cooperation request for US$25,000 received by IUCN just prior to the meeting. IUCN informed the Bureau, that the management plan for the site has been completed. This project involves some limited road construction, a parking area and a new hiking trail to better serve visitors to the Park. The Bureau approved the sum ...
A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1 Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.3 Training A.1.3.1 Sixteenth International Protected Areas Course (CATIE), Costa Rica The Bureau approved a sum of US$25,000 for this Protected Areas training course at CATIE, Costa Rica, with the recommendation that World Heritage managers receive priority for scholarships.
A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.1 Requests on which the Bureau took a decision A.1.4 Emergency Assistance A.1.4.1 Garamba National Park (Zaire) The Bureau recalled that this site was removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger at the sixteenth session of the Committee. The Bureau discussed the request for US$20,000 and approved the sum of US$10,000. The Bureau noted that the emergency circumstances under which this request was originally submitted have changed substantially and therefore requested the World Heritage Centre to write to IZCN and request further clarification on this ...
A. NATURAL HERITAGE A.2 Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee A.2.1 Technical co-operation A.2.1.1 Dja Faunal Reserve (Cameroon) The Bureau noted the request for a sum of US$40,000 submitted by the Government of Cameroon. However, since Cameroon has not paid its dues to the Fund since 1986/87, the Bureau did not examine the ...