The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Documents WHC-06/30.COM/8B and WHC-06/30.COM/INF.8B.1,
2. Inscribes the Sewell Mining Town, Chile, on the World Heritage List on the basis of criterion (ii):
Criterion (ii): Sewell town in its hostile environment is an outstanding example of the global phenomena of company towns, established in remote parts of the world through a fusion of local labour with resources from already industrialised nations, to mine and process high value copper. The town contributed to the global spread of large-scale mining technology.
3. Recommends that, while supporting the principle of adaptive re-use, a minimum number of dwelling units be restored rather than adapted to display the realities of mining life in the town and to keep sufficient of the internal layout of the buildings to ensure that their original functions can be discerned.