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World Heritage Convention

294 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year end: 1981close
By Year
The Committee upon recommendation of the Bureau approved the following technical co-operation requests: Nepal - Sagarmatha National Park (request n°120.1): $75,000 Tunisia - Baths of Antonius at Carthage (request n°37.1 and addendum): $118,000 Zaire - Virunga National Park (request n°63.1): $43,660 Zaire - Garamba National Park (request n°126.1): $19,120 Zaire - Kahuzi-Biega National Park (request n°137.1): $15,120 Ethiopia - Lalibela (request n°18.1): ...
35.  The Committee, as requested by Tanzania, approved an additional $7,000 for the preparation of a management plan for the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.
38. The Committee decided to ask the Bureau to elaborate guidelines for the evaluation of technical co-operation requests which could be then reviewed and adopted by the Committee, and would be included in the operational guidelines.
The Committee urged States Parties to indicate in their future technical co-operation requests, details of their counterpart contribution as well as other contributions from bilateral or multilateral sources made or planned for the conservation of the property in question.
43. The Committee adopted the following budget for the period September 1980 to December 1981. B U D G E T September 1980 - December 1981 Activities                                              Funds brought forward from 1979-1980  Additional Funds allocated    Total Funds authorized  for the period September 1980 – December 1981  I. Prepatory ...
44. The Committee examined a proposal made by one of its members, presented as follows : "Contributions offered to the World Heritage Fund for international assistance campaigns and other Unesco projects of technical co- operation for any property inscribed on the World Heritage List shall be accepted and used as international assistance pursuant to Section V of the Convention and in conformity with the modalities established for carrying out the campaign or project". 45. The Committee adopted this proposal. 46. The Committee further agreed with the following recommendations : a) ...
47. The Representatives of IUCN and ICOMOS presented their point of view on this important topic. The Committee noted with satisfaction IUCN's plans for the preparation of a worldwide inventory of natural sites through worldwide distribution of questionnaires and organisation of a series of expert meetings during the next two years. 48. The Committee discussed the request of IUCN to establish a sub- committee for in depth review of and guidance on the preparation of inventories as well as on theme studies for comparative analysis. The Committee felt that this matter should be discussed ...
51. The Secretariat presented the draft of the report to be submitted by the Committee to the General Conference, pointing out that this docu- ment would have to be completed in accordance with the decisions made by the Committee at its fourth session. The Committee was informed that this report would be submitted to the programme commission on Culture and Communication as well as the programme commission on Science of the General Conference. The Committee adopted the draft report as presented and requested the Secretariat to incorporate the decisions taken at the present session.
52. His Excellency, Mr. Camille Aboussouan, the Ambassador at Unesco of Lebanon informed the Committee that his country will ratify the World Heritage Convention in the near future. He addressed the attention of the Committee to the need to protect the archaeological and cultural sites and monuments of the city of Tyr in conformity with the stipulations of the Hague Convention and referred in this respect to resolution S/RES/459 (1979) of the United Nations Security Council. 53. The Committee examined a proposed design for World Heritage Certificates and authorized the Chairman to ...
14. The Bureau examined the deferred and new requests received from the States Parties to the Convention and made the following recommendations to the Committee. A. Technical Co-operation requests projects recommended for approval - Malta - Hal Saflieni Hypogeum (request n°130.1) The Bureau recommended that the Committee grant technical co-operation consisting of equipment and one month's consultant mission for a total amount of $9,000 to help with the preservation of the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum. - Malta - Ggantija and Valetta (request n°131.1/132.1) The Bureau ...
B. Technical cooperation requests deferred - Algeria - The Qal'ah of Beni Hammad (request n°102.1) The Algerian authorities had submitted a request for assistance in connection with the preservation of the above site. The Bureau was informed that a preparatory assistance consultant mission would take place in July 1981 in order to prepare a revised, detailed request for technical co-operation for this site, which will be submitted to the Bureau at its 6th session. - Algeria - Dey's Palace and Citadel Quarter of Setif (requests n°101.1 and 103.1) These requests had to be ...
Guinea - Mount Nimba (request n°155.1) The Guinean authorities had requested equipment amounting to $48.510 for a scientific research programme for Mount Nimba. However, the Bureau felt that priority should be given to protective measures and to the establishment of a management plan for this site. The Bureau therefore encouraged Guinea to re-formulate and to re-submit a request along these lines.
16. The Bureau granted emergency assistance to (a) Pakistan: Salaries for workmen and purchase of equipment for emergency restoration work at Lahore Fort and Shalimar Gardens at the cost of $44,000 and $12,000 respectively.
16. The Bureau granted emergency assistance to: (b) Tunisia: Contribution of $95,000 for emergency restoration work at the Dar Haddad Palace in the Medina of Tunis.
The fifth session of the World Heritage Committee was held in Sydney, Australia (26-30 October 1981) at the kind invitation of the Government of Australia. The meeting was attended by the following States Members of the World Heritage Committee: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Guinea, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Nepal, Pakistan, Switzerland, Tunisia and the United States of America.
Representatives of the International Centre for Conservation in Rome (ICCROM), the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) attended the meeting in an advisory capacity.
Observers from seven States Parties to the Convention not members of the Committee, namely Canada, Chile, India, Iran, Malta, Poland and Portugal also participated in the session, as well as observers from one intergovernmental organization, the Arab Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organisation (ALECSO) and two international non-governmental organizations, the International Council of Museums (ICOM); and the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA). The full list of participants will be found in Annex I to this report
The meeting was formally opened by the Prime Minister of Australia, The Rt. Hon. Malcolm Fraser, who welcomed delegates and observers to his country. The Prime Minister referred to the concept of a World Heritage as a profound expression of co-operation between people and a willingness to share, and stated that the World Heritage Convention was an important milestone in the modern history of man's concern, not only for his environment, but also for his cultural roots and origins. The Prime Minister also spoke of the first nominations by Australia for the World Heritage List and of the ...
 In reply, the representative of the Director-General of Unesco, Mr. G. Bolla, thanked the Prime Minister for his welcome and expressed the profound gratitude of the participants for the kind invitation to hold the meeting in Sydney and for the generous hospitality of the Australian people. He also recalled the concern of Mr. Amadou Mahtar M'Bow, Director- General of Unesco, for the conservation of the cultural and the natural heritage and expressed the Director-General's appreciation for the active participation of Australia in all the activities of Unesco.
Professor R. O. Slatyer (Australia) was elected Chairman of the Committee by acclamation and he delivered a brief address.