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The World Heritage Centre is at the forefront of the international community’s efforts to protect and preserve.

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KeywordsNomination processclose
Title Sites State Parties Description Category Date updated
Cuenca Mirador, Guatemala Guatemala In November 2002 the Guatemalan authorities sent an updated tentative list of 16 sites eligible for nomination process for UNESCO World Heritage status. The relevance of Mayan sites, the potential for improving the ... 2022-06-27
Enhancing the implementation capacity of the 1972 Convention at Natural World Heritage sites Simien National Park Ethiopia Ethiopia is among the African countries, which have nine sites inscribed on the World Heritage List. Eight cultural sites and only one natural property, the Simien National Park inscribed in 1978. The Ethiopian ... Conservation of Natural Sites
Preparing World Heritage Nominations The aim of this Resource Manual (Second Edition 2011) is to help States Parties to achieve good quality World Heritage nominations. Resource Manuals 2023-02-23