Latin America
and the Caribbean

From archaeological pre-Hispanic sites, exceptionally well preserved historical centres, breath-taking natural sites with exquisite, biodiverse landscapes, the Region’s World Heritage serves as a basis for further strengthening sustainable development and the role of local communities which is vital for heritage protection and management.

A well protected World Heritage site contributes directly to environmental, social and economic development and helps better the life of the local community. This process constitutes a great challenge for the years to come, both for the State Parties to the Convention and for UNESCO.


Cultural Properties


Mixed Properties


Natural Properties


Transboundary properties


Properties in Danger

Periodic Reporting

The Periodic Reporting process in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region

© UNESCO / Final meeting in Santiago de Chile, 2012 on the Periodic Reporting for LAC

Third Cycle (2021) and Action Plan for Latin America and the Caribbean (2023–2029)

The 3rd cycle of Periodic Reporting for Latin America and the Caribbean was launched in October 2021. It involves all properties inscribed on the World Heritage List from the region, including those inscribed by the Committee at its Extended 44th session of the World Heritage Committee in July 2021.

The Third cycle of Periodic Reporting for Latin America and the Caribbean was launched in October 2021. It involves all properties inscribed on the World Heritage List from the region, including those inscribed by the Committee at its Extended 44th session of the World Heritage Committee in July 2021.

The objective of the Periodic Reporting is to highlight the work made by all the actors involved in the management and conservation of the sites and have a clear picture on how the World Heritage Convention is being implemented at national and local levels.

Guidance and Training Tools (English and Spanish) have been prepared to facilitate the filling up of the two Sections of the Questionnaire for the Third Cycle by National Focal Points and World Heritage Site Managers.

The Third Cycle of the Periodic Reporting for Latin America and the Caribbean resulted into the inclusive, participatory elaboration and draft of the Action Plan for Latin America and the Caribbean (2023–2029), which was formally adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 45th-extended session. The Action Plan includes five strategic objectives:

  1. Strengthen the representativity and credibility of the Latin America and the Caribbean diverse heritage in the World Heritage List;
  2. Reinforce effective management for the conservation and promotion of World Heritage in the region;
  3. Develop and implement capacity-building for innovative approaches to conservation, management and promotion of World Heritage;
  4. Enhance better use of heritage education, communication and awareness-raising formulas for the protection of World Heritage;
  5. Reinforce community participation and stakeholder engagement for effective management of World Heritage properties.

A set of expected results, activities and performance indicators are connected, in the Action Plan,  to each of the Strategic Objectives.

Download Action Plan Download Action Plan in SpanishDownload Report

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Second Cycle (2013)

The objective of the Second Cycle was to the strengthen State Parties' capacities in order to contribute to the completion of the Retrospective Inventory exercise and the Retrospective Statements of Outstanding Universal Value for World Heritage properties in the LAC Region. Its official launch took place during the 35th Session of the Committee in 2011.

First Cycle (2004)

The First cycle was implemented in accordance with the World Heritage reporting mechanisms (1998) and the strategic objectives of the Convention (2002). This report constitutes the first periodic report on the state of World Heritage in the LAC Region and was examined by the World Heritage Committee at its 28th session (Suzhou, 2004).

As follow up of Decision 37 COM 10A adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 37th session (Phnom Penh–2013) and based on the results of the 2nd cycle of the Periodic Reporting exercise,  the LAC State Parties, in close cooperation with the World Heritage Centre, the Advisory Bodies and Category 2 Centres  developed regional and sub-regional Action Plans. When the Third Cycle is concluded, a new Action Plan for the Region will be developed taking into consideration the results obtained.

Action Plans

At its 38th session (Doha, 2014), the Committee congratulated the LAC State Parties for their efforts and adopted the Action Plan for World Heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean 2014-2024. The Committee further encouraged State Parties to continue working with the World Heritage Centre, the Advisory Bodies and the Category II Centres to develop sub-regional action plans (Decision 38 COM 10B.4)

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Regional Action Plan

 As follow up of Decision 37 COM 10A adopted by the World Heritage Committee and based on the results of the 2nd cycle of the Periodic Reporting exercise, the LAC States Parties, in close cooperation with the World Heritage Centre, the Advisory Bodies and Category 2 Centres, developed the Regional Action Plan (PARALC, 2014-2024) to address the key challenges and priorities regarding World Heritage across the region.


on the follow-up of the PARALC
(2014-2024) concluded in 2019

PARALC 2014-2024
Action plan for World Heritage in the LAC Region

English French Spanish

Sub-regional Action Plans

By Decision 38COM 10B.4, the Committee encouraged the States Parties to continue working, in close cooperation with the World Heritage Centre, the Advisory Bodies and the Region’s Category 2 Centres, to develop sub-regional action plans, based on the Action Plan for World Heritage (PARALC 2014-2024) and building upon the achievements of the previous plan with a focus on the specific needs of each sub-region.

PAC 2015-2019
Action plan for World Heritage in the Caribbean

English French Spanish

PAAS 2015-2020
Action plan for World Heritage in South America

English French Spanish

PAMAC 2018-2023
Action Plan for World Heritage in Mexico and Central America 

Spanish English

Capacity Building

Strategic Objective for the implementation of the Convention

© Category 2 Centre, Lucio Costa Centre / Rio de Janeiro, 2016

The Second cycle of the Periodic Reporting exercise identified the lack of management capacity and expertise as one of the pressing needs in some countries from the region preventing them from ensuring better protection for the World Heritage sites within their territory. In this context, the Regional Action Plan (PARALC 2015-2024) outlines a Capacity Building Strategy (EFCAS) in order to support the Category 2 Centres in the Region in elaborating Capacity Building strategies and programmes tailored to the specific needs of the 3 LAC sub-regions (Mexico and Central America, the Caribbean, South America) aiming to address their most urgent support the implementation of the World Heritage Convention.

Extra-budgetary Projects

The projects financed with extra-budgetary resources form an essential part of the Action Plan of World Heritage for the Region. They support several conservation and management activities, which cannot be supported only with regular budget funds, and which tackle key priorities for the Region.

Thanks to these donors and partners, WHC-LAC is able to enhance its action regarding conservation, management, technical assistance, seminars, workshops, training courses, database creation and others.

Sierra Nevada Project
Diquis project
Qhapaq Ñan project
Cuenca project
Tikal project
Tiwanaku project

LAC UNESCO field partners

Field offices

Conservation, protection and capacity building activities in the region are carried out through reinforced cooperation among the State Parties, the World Heritage Centre, the Advisory Bodies and UNESCO Offices in the field. The network of field offices plays an essential role in the implementation of specific activities.

Category II Centres

Created in order to assist and support the State Parties of the three LAC sub-regions to implement the 1972 World Heritage Convention. Two centres have been created: the Category II Centre “Lucio Costa Regional Training Center in Cultural Heritage Management (CLC)” for the South American sub-region, and the Category II Centre “Regional World Heritage Institute in Zacatecas (RWHIZ)” for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.


Many of the activities developed in Latin America and the Caribbean Region are funded by

Japanese Funds-in Trust PanasonicNetherlands Funds-in Trust

Spanish Funds-in-Trust

News (34)
Events (22)
See Also (1)
Decisions (6)
Show 45COM 10B Report on the results of the Third Cycle of the Periodic Reporting exercise in Latin America and the Caribbean
Show 45COM 10D.2 Progress report on the implementation of the Action Plans for the Second Cycle of Periodic Reporting in the other regions (Latin America and the Caribbean)
Show 40COM 10B.4 Follow-up to the Second Cycle of the Periodic Reporting Exercise for the Latin America and the Caribbean region
Show 39COM 10B.4 Follow-up of the second cycle of the Periodic Reporting exercise for the other regions and general reflection on Periodic Reporting
Show 38COM 8E Adoption of Retrospective Statements of Outstanding Universal Value
Show 38COM 10B.4 Progress Report on Periodic Reporting in the Latin America and the Caribbean region