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7 Events
Month: April 2008 close
21 April 2008 - 2 May 2008
The second seminar of a series of itinerant workshop on the Conservation and Management of Persian, Timurid and Mogul Architecture took place in Uzbekistan from 21st of April to 2nd of May 2008. More than 30 cultural heritage professionals and World Heritage site managers from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, India, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan ...
18-19 April 2008
The main objective of the meeting its to discuss the results of the First Cycle of the Periodic Reporting exercise for the Mediterranean and South-Eastern subregions in relation to the protection and management of World Heritage properties, according to the decisions taken by the World Heritage Committee at its 31st session in July 2007 (31 COM 11A.1 and 31 COM 11A.2). Furthermore, the ...
8-21 April 2008
Open to the public from Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.The towering, jagged Altai Mountains stretch some 2,100 km across China, Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan, the Russian section of this mountain range having been inscribed as a natural site on the World Heritage List in 1998. The Altai Mountains bear unique witness to the ancient Scythian culture that flourished in the Eurasian steppe ...
3-5 April 2008
In the context of their affiliation with the "Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage" network, students of the Professional Masters programme in the Faculty of Sciences, Arts, Culture, News and Multimedia at the Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University are organizing a symposium on different aspects of world heritage. This international symposium will take place from April 3 ...
2-6 April 2008
CAA 2008, the 36th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology: On the Road to Reconstructing the Past 2-6 April 2008 at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest, Hungary. The main theme of the conference is the use of computer applications and quantitative methods in two fields: at large-scale (rescue) excavations that usually precede ...
2-4 April 2008
The second meeting of Iberian of Site Managers (the first one took place in 2004 in Lisbon) aimed at exploring current gaps and challenges in the daily management of world heritage sites in Spain and Portugal and current nomination files as well as cooperation initiatives with Latin American States Parties.
30 March 2008 - 4 April 2008
The UNITAR Hiroshima Office Series on the Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites aims to enhance implementation of the 1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention through providing support to national policy making and planning, and information exchange on best practices and case studies. Newly developed "values-based management" methodologies are applied in all aspects of ...