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World Heritage Candidates announced for 2013 Business Planning Programme

Tuesday, 11 June 2013
access_time 1 min read
Business planning at Mpala research station, Kenya (11/10/2012) © Earthwatch | Earthwatch

Participants to the 5th annual World Heritage Centre / Earthwatch / Shell "Business Planning for natural World Heritage site managers" year long training programme have just been informed of their successful candidacies.    In October 2013, 18 World Heritage site staff from 6 sites in Africa will travel to the Mpala Research Centre  in the shadow of Mount Kenya World Heritage site to participate in the programme.

First offered in South East Asia in 2009 and 2010, the focus was moved to Africa in 2011.  The programme combines a 10-day intensive training session in the company of Shell business planning experts, which are twinned with specific World Heritage sites.  The training is followed by a one-year implementation phase, where lessons learned are applied with the on-going support of each site designated Shell mentor.

The successful candidates come from Pendjari National Park (on the World Heritage tentative list of Benin), Lake Bogoria National Park (a component of the Kenya Lake System inthe Great Rift Valley, Kenya), Mosi-oa-Tunya / Victoria Falls  (Zambia), Sibiloi National Park (a component of the Lake Turkana National Park, Kenya), Lake Nakuru National Park (a component o fthe Kenya Lake System inthe Great Rift Valley, Kenya) and Sehlabatheb National Park (on the World Heritage tentative list of Lesotho). 

The five-year programme, funded by Shell, implemented by Earthwatch, an internationally recognized conservation and training organization, and monitored by the World Heritage Centre is based on the successful Business Planning for Natural World Heritage Site Managers pilot project previously carried out between Shell Foundation and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre.  A short documentary video on last year’s training is accessible here.
