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Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area

Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area

Stretching over 72,000 ha in the northern part of Sichuan Province, the jagged Jiuzhaigou valley reaches a height of more than 4,800 m, thus comprising a series of diverse forest ecosystems. Its superb landscapes are particularly interesting for their series of narrow conic karst land forms and spectacular waterfalls. Some 140 bird species also inhabit the valley, as well as a number of endangered plant and animal species, including the giant panda and the Sichuan takin.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Région d'intérêt panoramique et historique de la vallée de Jiuzhaigou

S'étendant sur une superficie de 72 000 ha dans le nord de la province du Sichuan, la vallée de Jiuzhaigou, extrêmement accidentée, culmine à plus de 4 800 m d'altitude et comprend de ce fait une série d'écosystèmes forestiers très variés. Ses superbes paysages se caractérisent notamment par un chapelet de cônes karstiques étroits et des chutes d'eau spectaculaires. La vallée abrite, en outre, quelque 140 espèces d'oiseaux, ainsi qu'un certain nombre d'espèces végétales et animales menacées, dont le panda géant et le takin du Sichuan.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

منطقة في وادي جيوزايغو ذات أهميّة جماليّة وتاريخيّة

يمتد وادي جيوزايغو على مساحة 72000 هكتار شمال مقاطعة سيشوان، وهو منطقة جبليّة تبلغ أعلى قممها 4800 متراً وتضمّ سلسلة نظم بيئيّة حرجيّة متنوّعة. فالمناظر الخلاّبة تتميّز بسلسلة من المخروطات الكارستيّة الصلصليّة الضيّقة وشلالات المياه الفاتنة. كما يكتنف الوادي حوالى 140 صنفاً من العصافير إضافةً إلى عددٍ من الأصناف النباتيّة والحيوانيّة المهددة ومنها دب الباندا العملاق وحيوان تاكين في سيشوان.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


九寨沟位于四川省北部,连绵超过72 000公顷,曲折狭长的九寨沟山谷海拔4 800多米,因而形成了一系列多种森林生态系统。壮丽的景色因一系列狭长的圆锥状喀斯特地貌和壮观的瀑布而更加充满生趣。山谷中现存约140种鸟类,还有许多濒临灭绝的动植物物种,包括大熊猫和四川扭角羚。

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Пейзажная достопримечательная зона Цзючжайгоу

Охватывая площадь в 72 тыс. га на севере провинции Сычуань, эта покрытая лесами разного состава высокогорная долина достигает высоты 4800 м. Долина особенно знаменита своими карстовыми образованиями и живописными каскадами озер и водопадов. Здесь зафиксировано 140 видов птиц, а также целый ряд исчезающих видов растений и млекопитающих, включая гигантскую панду и горного козла – сычуаньского такина.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Región de interés panorí¡mico e histórico del Valle de Jiuzhaigu

El tortuoso Valle de Jiuzhaigou se extiende por una superficie de 72.000 hectí¡reas en el norte de la provincia de Sichuan. Posee ecosistemas forestales muy variados, debido a que sus laderas alcanzan a veces alturas superiores 4.800 metros. Sus soberbios paisajes se caracterizan por la presencia de cadenas de conos kí¡rsticos estrechos y cascadas espectaculares. El valle alberga 140 especies de pí¡jaros y algunas especies vegetales y animales en peligro de extinción, como el panda gigante y el takin de Sichuan.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


source: NFUAJ

Jiuzhaigou vallei: gebied van landschappelijke en historische betekenis

De Jiuzhaigou vallei omvat meer dan 72.000 hectare van het noordelijk gedeelte van de provincie Sichuan en heeft een maximale hoogte van meer dan 4.800 meter. Hierdoor komen er in het gebied verschillende bosecosystemen voor. Het lanschap heeft een uitzonderlijke natuurlijke schoonheid; met spectaculaire gekartelde alpine bergen die zweven boven naaldbos, rond een sprookjeslandschap van kristalheldere, vreemd gekleurde blauwe, groene en paarse poelen, meren, watervallen, kalksteenterrassen en grotten. Er leven ongeveer 140 vogelsoorten in dit gebied, en er komen een aantal bedreigde planten- en dierensoorten voor, waaronder de reuzenpanda en de Sichuan takin.

Source: unesco.nl

Outstanding Universal Value
Brief synthesis

The Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area is a reserve of exceptional natural beauty with spectacular jagged alpine mountains soaring above coniferous forest around a fairyland landscape of crystal clear, strange-coloured blue, green and purplish pools, lakes, waterfalls, limestone terraces, caves and other beautiful features. These include a number of karst formations; indeed the area is a "natural museum" for alpine karst hydrology and research. Covering 72,000 ha in the northern part of Sichuan Province, Jiuzhaigou preserves a series of important forest ecosystems including old-growth forests which provide important habitat for numerous threatened species of plants and animals, including the giant panda and takin. Attaining heights of 4,752 m in the southern Minshan Mountains, Jiuzhaigou also contains an important number of well-preserved quaternary glacial remnants with great scenic value. 

Criterion (vii): Jiuzhaigou is renowned for its scenic and aesthetic majesty. Its fairyland landscape of numerous lakes, waterfalls, and limestone terraces, with their attractive, clear, mineral-rich waters, set in the spectacular alpine mountains with a highly diverse forest ecosystem, demonstrates remarkable natural beauty. 


Jiuzhaigou contains all the elements necessary to demonstrate and protect its natural beauty, and is surrounded by buffer zones. Although the site was partially degraded by previous forestry activities, it is recovering through tree planting and strict management which includes protecting water quality, air quality, and forests. At time of inscription some 800 residents in six villages lived inside the site, with the policy being to seek voluntary agreement to gradually reduce the human population within the reserve. 

Protection and management requirements

As a national park and a national nature reserve, Jiuzhaigou is protected by national and provincial laws and regulations, which secure the long-term management and conservation of the Property. In 2004, the Sichuan Provincial Regulation on World Heritage Protection in Sichuan and the Regulation on Implementing Sichuan Provincial Regulation on World Heritage Protection in Aba Autonomous Prefecture became law, which provided a stricter basis for protection of the property.

The Administration Bureau of the Jiuzhaigou World Heritage Site, established in 2006, ensures the site complies with Aba Prefecture’s Guidelines of Implementing Sichuan Provincial Regulations on World Heritage Protection. This Administration Bureau contains 21 departments, including a natural protection department, a multi-disciplinary science department, a planning and construction department, and a resident management office. A General Plan for Jiuzhaigou National Park is in place and approved by the national government, which provides a framework for the protection and management of the park, including a detailed monitoring plan for park resources. Water resources, biodiversity, forest pests and diseases, and weather and climate are all monitored under this plan. In addition, the plan provides for protection of biodiversity, traditional culture, and the environment under increased tourism development. As part of the monitoring and protection of Jiuzhaigou, the Science Department is intimately involved in collaborative research with both domestic and international universities and researchers. Important areas of research and monitoring include the evolution of Jiuzhaigou’s tufa deposits; air and water quality; archaeology; meadow reforestation and biodiversity; and human-landscape interactions. The results of these research projects form the basis for new management policies. The continuing growth in tourism is a challenge and of concern, and many remedial actions to control the effects of human activities have been undertaken based on the research and monitoring projects.
