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Rila Monastery

Rila Monastery

Rila Monastery was founded in the 10th century by St John of Rila, a hermit canonized by the Orthodox Church. His ascetic dwelling and tomb became a holy site and were transformed into a monastic complex which played an important role in the spiritual and social life of medieval Bulgaria. Destroyed by fire at the beginning of the 19th century, the complex was rebuilt between 1834 and 1862. A characteristic example of the Bulgarian Renaissance (18th–19th centuries), the monument symbolizes the awareness of a Slavic cultural identity following centuries of occupation.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Monastère de Rila

Saint Jean de Rila, ermite canonisé par l’Église orthodoxe, a fondé le monastère de Rila au Xe siècle. Sa demeure d’ascète et sa tombe sont devenues lieux sacrés et ont été transformées en un ensemble monastique qui a tenu un rôle important dans la vie spirituelle et sociale de la Bulgarie médiévale. Ravagé par un incendie au début du XIXe siècle, l’ensemble a été rebâti entre 1834 et 1862. Ce monument caractéristique de la Renaissance bulgare (XVIIIe-XIXe siècles), symbolise la prise de conscience d’une identité culturelle slave après des siècles d’occupation.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

دير ريلا

أسس القديس حنّا دي ريلا، وهو ناسك طوّبته الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية، دير ريلا في القرن العاشر. وأصبحت صومعته وضريحه أمكان مقدسة تمّ تحويلها إلى تجمّع رهباني إضطلع بدور هام في الحياة الروحية والإجتماعية البلغارية في العصور الوسطى. دُمرّ هذا التجمّع في حريق ضخم نشب في مطلع القرن التاسع عشر، ثم أعيد بناؤه بين عامَي 1834 و1862. ويرمز هذا النصب الدالّ على عصر النهضة البلغارية (في القرنين الثامن عشر والتاسع عشر) إلى الوعي بشأن الهوية الثقافية السلافية بعد عصور طويلة من الإحتلال.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0



source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Рильский монастырь

Рильский монастырь был основан в X в. Св. Иваном Рильским, отшельником, канонизированным православной церковью. Его аскетическое жилище и могила стали священным местом и были преобразованы в монастырский комплекс, игравший важную роль в духовной и общественной жизни средневековой Болгарии. Разрушенный пожаром в начале XIX в. комплекс был восстановлен в 1834-1862 гг. Являющийся характерным примером Болгарского Возрождения (ХVIII-XIX вв.), этот памятник символизирует торжество славянской культурной идентичности после столетий чужеземного ига.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Monasterio de Rila

Este monasterio fue fundado en el siglo X por San Juan de Rila, un eremita canonizado por la Iglesia Ortodoxa. Su austera morada y su tumba se convirtieron con el tiempo en lugares sagrados, donde se creó un conjunto monástico que desempeñó un importante papel en la vida espiritual y social de la Bulgaria medieval. Destruido por un incendio, a comienzos del siglo XIX, el conjunto fue totalmente reconstruido entre 1834 y 1862. Este monumento ejemplar del Renacimiento Búlgaro (siglos XVIII y XIX) simboliza la toma de conciencia de una identidad cultural eslava después de siglos de ocupación.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


source: NFUAJ

Rila klooster
Het Rila klooster werd opgericht in de 10e eeuw door Johannes van Rila, een kluizenaar die heilig verklaard was door de Orthodoxe Kerk. Zijn ascetische woning en graf werden een heilige plek en later getransformeerd tot een kloostercomplex. Het Rila klooster speelde een belangrijke rol in het spirituele en sociale leven van middeleeuws Bulgarije. Begin 19e eeuw verwoestte een brand het complex, waarna het tussen 1834 en 1862 werd herbouwd. Het monument is een karakteristiek voorbeeld van de Bulgaars renaissance (18e en 19e eeuw) en symboliseert de bewustwording van een Slavische culturele identiteit na eeuwen van bezetting.

Source: unesco.nl

Outstanding Universal Value

Brief synthesis

In its complicated ten-century history the Rila monastery has been the hub of a strong spiritual and artistic influence over the Eastern Orthodox world during medieval times (11th-14th c.). Under Ottoman rule (1400-1878) the monastery influenced the development of the culture and the arts of all Christian nations within the Ottoman Empire. With its architecture, frescos etc. it represents a masterpiece of the creative genius of the Bulgarian people.

Architectural styles have been preserved on the property as historical monuments of considerable time span (11th-19th c.). The basic architectural appearance is now one of the peak examples of building craftsmanship of the Balkan peoples from the early 19th c. As such it has exerted considerable influence on architecture and aesthetics within the Balkan area.

Criterion (vi): Rila Monastery is considered a symbol of the 19th Century Bulgarian Renaissance which imparted Slavic values upon Rila in trying to reestablish an uninterrupted historic continuity.


There have been no substantial changes to the integrity of the property since its inscription on the World Heritage List. Planned conservation works, that also involve the medieval and renaissance wood-carving and mural paintings existing in associated churches and chapels of the monastery complex, are being pursued to ensure their proper preservation. Protecting the Monastery from 'force effects' is also of major significance. A series of permanent geological engineering observations are being pursued, with associated report recommendations for "ground-structure" strengthening. Based on these results, other preservation and restoration works will be determined. A development plan is being prepared, and this will propose improvements for the communication and technical infrastructure to assist in preserving the property.


Rila Monastery is the most important spiritual and literary center of the Bulgarian national revival, with an uninterrupted history from the Middle Ages until present times. Reconstruction work was required following a fire, and sections of the monastery, a new church and other structures date to the 18th century. The property fully endorses authenticity requirements regarding location, context, concept, usage, function and tradition, where the spirit and feeling of the site are also properly preserved.

Protection and management requirements

The management is carried out on the basis of:

- Religious Affairs Law - Property Law

- Cultural Heritage Law (Official Gazette No 19 of 2009), and the by-law normative act, regulates the research, studying, protection and promotion of the immovable cultural heritage in Bulgaria, and the development of Conservation and Management plans for its inscribed World Heritage List of immovable cultural properties.

- Legislative regimes for the preservation of the site and its buffer zone are in accordance, with a written statement from the 7.05.1992, of a Commission, appointed with an Order № RD-19-132/24.03.1992 of the Ministry of Culture. In addition to regulating the prohibitions, this also identifies allowed activities in the property and its buffer zone, and sets out the responsibilities of the interested parties, including the state, local institutions and owners.

- The Protected areas Law (Official Gazette No133 of 1998 with amendments) - National Park Rila; Natural Park "Rila Monastery"; Rila Monastery Forest, was proclaimed for natural reserve in 1986;

- Forest law (Official Gazette No125 of 1997 with amendments);

- Management plan of Nature Park "Rila Monastery" has been operational since 2003.

In order to maintain the proper conservation of the monastery, there is a need to implement the development plan of the property.
