China Danxia
China Danxia
China Danxia is the name given in China to landscapes developed on continental red terrigenous sedimentary beds influenced by endogenous forces (including uplift) and exogenous forces (including weathering and erosion). The inscribed site comprises six areas found in the sub-tropical zone of south-west China. They are characterized by spectacular red cliffs and a range of erosional landforms, including dramatic natural pillars, towers, ravines, valleys and waterfalls. These rugged landscapes have helped to conserve sub-tropical broad-leaved evergreen forests, and host many species of flora and fauna, about 400 of which are considered rare or threatened.
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Danxia de Chine
Danxia de Chine est le nom donné aux paysages qui se sont formés sur des couches sédimentaires terrigènes rouges continentales, influencées par des forces endogènes (notamment le soulèvement) et des forces exogènes (notamment l'altération et l'érosion). Le site inscrit comprend six secteurs situés dans la zone subtropicale du sud-ouest de la Chine. Il se caractérise par des falaises rouges spectaculaires et toute une gamme de reliefs et d'érosion, en particuliers des colonnes naturelles spectaculaires, des tourelles, des ravins, des vallées et des cascades. Ces paysages tourmentés ont contribué à la conservation de feuillus sempervirentes subtropicaux et ils abritent de nombreuses espèces de flore et de faune, dont 400 sont considérées comme rares ou menacées.
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0
مناظر دانشيا
أُعطي هذا الاسم للمناظر التي تشكلت على رواسب قارية من الأتربة الحمراء، بتأثير من قوى داخلية (لا سيما ارتفاع القشرة الأرضية) وخارجية (لاسيما التغير الجيولوجي والتحات). ويضم هذا الموقع، الذي أُدرج في قائمة التراث العالمي، ست مساحات تقع في المنطقة الشبه الاستوائية جنوب غرب الصين، وهو يتميز بجروف مدهشة من الأتربة الحمراء وبمجموعة كاملة من التضاريس والأشكال التي تكونت بفعل التحات، لاسيما مجموعة من الأعمدة الطبيعية المذهلة، والأبراج الطبيعية الصغيرة، والوهاد، والأودية، والشلالات. وساهمت هذه المناظر غير المتجانسة في صون عدد من الأشجار الدائمة الخضرة الشبه الاستوائية، كما أنها تأوي العديد من أنواع الحيوانات والنباتات التي يندرج 40 منها في عداد الأنواع النادرة أو المهددة بالانقراض.
source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0
source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0
Данься, Китай
В Китае так называют ландшафты, образованные континентальными терригенными осадочными равнинами красного цвета, сформировавшимися под воздействием глубинных сил (включая поднятие) и внешних сил (в том числе выветривания и эрозии). Занесенный в Список объект включает 6 территорий, расположенных в субтропической зоне на юго-западе Китая. Здесь можно увидеть грандиозные красные скалы, и разнообразие эрозионных форм рельефа, в том числе впечатляющие, созданные природой колонны, башни, овраги, долины и водопады. Эти изрезанные ландшафты помогли сохранить субтропические широколиственные вечнозеленые леса. Здесь сохранились многие виды флоры и фауны, около 400 из которых считаются редкими или находящимися под угрозой.
source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0
Danxia (“nubes rosadas”), es el nombre dado en China a los paisajes desarrollados en capas sedimentarias terrígenas rojas continentales influidas por fuerzas endógenas (como la elevación) y fuerzas exógenas (como el desgaste y la erosión). El sitio inscrito comprende seis áreas situadas en la zona subtropical del suroeste de China. Se caracteriza por sus espectaculares farallones rojos y por toda una gama de relieves esculpidos por la erosión, en particular espectaculares pilares naturales, barrancos, valles y cascadas. La dureza del paisaje ha contribuido a la conservación de bosques subtropicales sempervirentes latifolios que albergan numerosas especies de flora y fauna, 400 de ellas consideradas raras o amenazadas.
source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0
丹霞とは、大陸由来の岩による赤い堆積層が、土地の隆起といった地球内部の力と、風化や浸食など外からの要因を受けて形成された景観の中国での呼び名である。今回、登録された地域は6ヵ所から成り、中国南西部の亜熱帯地域に位置している。目を見張るような赤い岩壁と、浸食によって形成された自然石柱や塔、峡谷、滝などの地形を特徴としており、森の緑や青い水などとともに美しい景観をつくりだしている。また、これらの起伏の激しい地形は亜熱帯の常緑広葉樹林を保全するのに役立ち、約400種の希少種や絶滅危惧種などを含む、多くの動植物が確認されている。source: NFUAJ
China Danxia
China Danxia is de naam die men in China geeft aan landschappen die ontstaan op continentale rode terrigene sedimenten door invloed van endogene (waaronder verheffing) en exogene processen (waaronder verwering en erosie). Het gaat om zes gebieden (Chishui, Taining, Langshan, Danxiashan, Longhushan en Jianglangshan) in de subtropische zone van Zuidwest-China. Hier treft men spectaculaire rode kliffen en een reeks van geërodeerde landvormen aan, inclusief dramatisch gevormde, natuurlijke pilaren, torens, ravijnen, valleien en watervallen. De ruige landschappen houden subtropische breedbladige groene bossen in stand en vormen het leefgebied van vele flora- en faunasoorten, waarvan zo’n 400 zeldzaam of bedreigd zijn.
Outstanding Universal Value
Brief synthesis
China Danxia is a serial property comprising six component parts (Chishui, Taining, Langshan, Danxiashan, Longhushan, and Jianglangshan) found in the sub-tropical zone of south-eastern China within approximately 1700 km crescent shaped arc from Guizhou Province in the west to Zhejiang Province in the east.
China Danxia is the name given in China to landscapes developed on continental red terrigenous sedimentary beds influenced by endogenous forces (including uplift) and exogenous forces (including weathering and erosion). It is characterised by spectacular red cliffs and a range of erosional landforms, including dramatic natural pillars, towers, ravines, valleys and waterfalls. The process of its development is characterised by a particular rock sequence, tectonic background, climatic conditions, erosional processes and landforms and these processes have been presented as an interim model.
Due to the combined endogenic (tectonic uplift) and exogenic (climatic, erosion, weathering) forces, and other factors, the Danxia landforms have been developed in red sedimentary sequences continuously from the Neogene until the present. The six component parts represent the most important examples of "least eroded" to "most eroded" Danxia landforms, providing a range of different aspects of the phenomenon, and illustrate both the range of landforms in relation to the forces and processes that formed them, together with a range of associated landscapes.
Criterion (vii): China Danxia is an impressive and unique landscape of great natural beauty. The reddish conglomerate and sandstone that form this landscape of exceptional natural beauty have been shaped into spectacular peaks, pillars, cliffs and imposing gorges. Together with the contrasting forests, winding rivers and majestic waterfalls, China Danxia presents a significant natural phenomenon.
Criterion (viii): China Danxia contains a wide variety of well developed red-beds landforms such as peaks, towers, mesas, cuestas, cliffs, valleys, caves and arches. Being shaped by both endogenous forces (including uplift) and exogenous forces (including weathering and erosion), China Danxia provides a range of different aspects of the phenomenon of physical landscape developed from continental (terrestrial) reddish conglomerate and sandstone in a warm, humid monsoon climate, illustrating both the range of landforms in relation to the forces and processes that formed them. The component parts represent the best examples of "least eroded" to "most eroded" Danxia landforms, displaying a clear landform sequence from "young" through "mature" to "old age", and with each component site displaying characteristic geomorphologic features of a given stage.
China Danxia satisfies the requirements of integrity. The property encompasses substantial elements of sufficient size to reflect the natural beauty and earth science values of Danxia landform from young stage through mature stage and to old stage. The boundaries of the China Danxia are adequate in relation to the nominated earth science and aesthetic values, and the buffer zone boundaries are also clearly defined. The level of management commitment appears adequate to the main challenges and threats that could face the property.
Protection and management requirements
The property is state owned and its protected status varies between the six component parts: most have national park status, though land status also includes national nature reserve, national forest, and geopark. Each one of the six component parts is protected under relative laws and regulations at both national, provincial and local levels, which ensure the adequate long-term legislative, regulatory, institutional and traditional protection of the outstanding universal values.
Efficient management systems at different levels have been built with enough qualified staff in China Danxia areas. Planning for the serial property is advanced. An integrated management plan has been prepared for the property as a whole, as well as individual plans for the six areas in the series. These plans identify a clear rationale for management and mechanisms for the protection of the property. Research and adaptive management techniques, including baseline condition assessment and monitoring of change for both natural values and species have been established. Local communities are aware of the World Heritage nomination and all stakeholders are also very supportive of the World Heritage proposal, which ensures the long-term management.