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Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical Landscape

Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical Landscape

The 160,000 ha Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical Landscape of dramatic mountainous desert in north-western South Africa constitutes a cultural landscape communally owned and managed. This site sustains the semi-nomadic pastoral livelihood of the Nama people, reflecting seasonal patterns that may have persisted for as much as two millennia in southern Africa. It is the only area where the Nama still construct portable rush-mat houses (haru om ) and includes seasonal migrations and grazing grounds, together with stock posts. The pastoralists collect medicinal and other plants and have a strong oral tradition associated with different places and attributes of the landscape.

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Paysage culturel et botanique du Richtersveld

La zone de conservation de la communauté du Richtersveld couvre une superficie de 160 000 ha de déserts montagneux spectaculaires dans le nord-ouest de l’Afrique du Sud. Il s’agit d’un paysage culturel dont la propriété et la gestion sont communales. Le peuple nama y mène un mode de vie pastoral semi-nomade, témoignant de schémas saisonniers qui peuvent avoir persisté pas moins de deux millénaires en Afrique australe. C’est le seul endroit où les Nama construisent encore leurs maisons portables couvertes de jonc (haru oms): la zone inclut les migrations saisonnières et zones de pâturage et les sites de campement temporaire. Les pasteurs collectent des plantes médicinales et autres et il semble qu’il existe une forte tradition orale associée aux différents lieux et attributs du paysage.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

مشهد ريشترسفيلد الثقافي والنباتي

  تغطي محمية جماعة ريشترسفيلد مساحة قدرها 160000 هكتار من الصحاري الجبلية المدهشة في الشمال الغربي لجنوب إفريقيا. مشهد ثقافي ملكيته وإدارته قروية، يعيش فيه شعب ناما حياة رعوية شبه بدوية، مذكراً أن تلك الأنماط الفصلية السائدة في جنوب القارة الإفريقية قد يعود تاريخها إلى ما لا يقل عن ألفي عام. إنه المكان الوحيد الذي مازال شعب ناما يبني فيه بيوته المحمولة التي تغطيها جدائل الأسل (وتسمى هارو أومس)، فالمنطقة تشهد حركات نزوح فصلية وتأوي المراعي ومضارب الخيم المؤقتة. يجمع الرعاة النباتات الطبية وغيرها، ويبدو أن تقليداً شفهياً يتعلق بالأمكنة المختلفة وبخصائص المشهد الطبيعي مازال متوارثاً.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0



source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Культурный и ботанический ландшафт Рихтерсфельдского заповедника

Культурный и ботанический ландшафт Рихтерсфельдского заповедника - это участок горной пустыни на северо-западе страны, находящейся под общинным управлением полукочевой народности Нана. Предполагается, что способ ведения пастбищного хозяйства населяющей эту местность народности Нама (полукочевники) не менялся, подобно всему южноафриканскому региону, в течение двух тысячелетий. Именно здесь Нама все еще продолжают строить свои передвижные жилища - хару омс. На этой территории раскинулись сезонные выпасы для скота, кормохранилища (промежуточные базы, где при сменах сезона останавливаются пастухи при перегоне овечьих или коровьих стад), постройки из тростниковой циновки.  Жители этой местности занимаются сбором целебных трав и других растений. Их устоявшиеся устные традиции отражают специфику мест их кочевания.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Paisaje cultural y botánico de Richtersveld

Situado en un espectacular desierto montañoso del noroeste de Sudáfrica, este sitio de 160.000 hectáreas es un paisaje cultural de propiedad y gestión comunitarias. Está habitado por el pueblo nama, cuyo modo de vida pastoral y seminómada atestigua la persistencia de los asentamientos humanos estacionales en el África Meridional durante dos milenios por lo menos. Es el único lugar en el que este pueblo sigue construyendo sus casas portátiles de esteras de junto (haru oms). El sitio comprende las zonas de pasto y los lugares de acampada temporalmente utilizados durante las migraciones estacionales. Recolectores de plantas medicinales y de otro tipo, los pastores nama poseen una arraigada cultura oral estrechamente vinculada a diversos lugares y atributos del sitio.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


source: NFUAJ

Cultuur- en botanisch landschap Richtersveld
Het 160.000 hectare grote cultuur- en botanisch landschap Richtersveld is een bergachtige woestijn in het noordwesten van Zuid-Afrika. Het cultuurlandschap wordt communaal beheerd en bestuurd. Het gebied ondersteunt het semi-nomadische herderlijk levensonderhoud van de Nama bevolking door z'n seizoenspatronen, die waarschijnlijk al meer dan twee millennia voorkomen in zuidelijk Afrika. Het culturele en botanische landschap is het enige gebied waar de Nama nog steeds verplaatsbare huizen ('haru om') maken. Het Nama gebied kent seizoensgebonden migraties en begrazingsgronden en voorraadposten. De herders verzamelen medicinale en andere planten en hebben een sterke orale traditie, die verbonden is aan de verschillende plaatsen en eigenschappen van het landschap.

Source: unesco.nl

Outstanding Universal Value

The extensive communal grazed lands of the Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical Landscape are a testimony to land management processes which have ensured the protection of the succulent Karoo vegetation and thus demonstrates a harmonious interaction between people and nature. Furthermore, the seasonal migrations of graziers between stockposts with traditional demountable mat-roofed houses, |haru oms, reflect a practice that was once much more widespread over Southern Africa, and which has persisted for at least two millennia; the Nama are now its last practitioners.

Criterion (iv): The rich diverse botanical landscape of the Richtersveld, shaped by the pastoral grazing of the Nama, represents and demonstrates a way of life that persisted for many millennia over a considerable part of southern Africa and was a significant stage in the history of this area.

Criterion (v): The Richtersveld is one of the few areas in southern Africa where transhumance pastoralism is still practised; as a cultural landscape it reflects long-standing and persistent traditions of the Nama, the indigenous community. Their seasonal pastoral grazing regimes, which sustain the extensive bio-diversity of the area, were once much more widespread and are now vulnerable.

The cultural landscape comprises all the elements linked to the transhumance lifestyle of the Nama pastoralists. The authenticity of the grazing areas and stockposts is incontrovertible. The authenticity of the traditional domed houses is mainly intact, despite the incorporation of some new materials along with the finely braided traditional mats. There are increasing numbers of young people interested in continuing the traditions.

The Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical Landscape has full legal protection. The process of declaring the property as a Heritage Area was completed in early 2007. The traditional land-use system of the Nama should be seen as part of the protection system. A buffer zone has been established. The two key areas for conservation measures are sustaining the grazing areas and sustaining the tradition of building portable mat-roofed houses. The Richtersveld Community Conservancy (RCC) is managed by a Communal Property Association (CPA) with a Management Committee (company without profit) and a participative Management Plan is in place to manage the identified Heritage Area. The Management Plan, addresses management structures, infrastructure development, awareness raising, tourism development and monitoring and evaluation. It should provide support to the traditional management system rather than replacing it.

Activities 1