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León Cathedral

León Cathedral

Built between 1747 and the early 19th century to the design of Guatemalan architect Diego José de Porres Esquivel, the monument expresses the transition from Baroque to Neoclassical architecture and its style can be considered to be eclectic. The Cathedral is characterized by the sobriety of its interior decoration and the abundance of natural light. The vault of the Sanctuary, however, presents rich ornamentation. The Cathedral houses important works of art including a wooden Flemish altarpiece, and paintings of the 14 stations of the Way of the Cross by Nicaraguan artist Antonio Sarria (late 19th and early 20th centuries).

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Cathédrale de León

Construit entre 1747 et le début du XIXe siècle selon les plans de l'architecte guatémaltèque Diego José de Porres Esquivel, le monument montre la transition du baroque au néoclassique et son style peut être considéré comme éclectique. La cathédrale se caractérise par la sobriété de sa décoration intérieure et par une grande luminosité naturelle. Néanmoins, la voûte du Sanctuaire est richement décorée. La cathédrale abrite d'importantes œuvres d'art dont un retable flamand en bois et les 14 stations du chemin de croix peintes par l'artiste nicaraguayen Antonio Sarria (fin du XIXe et début du XXe siècle).

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

كاتدرائية ليون

شيدت بين العام 1747 ومطلع القرن التاسع عشر حسب مخطط وضعه المهندس ديغو خوسيه دو بوريس إسكيفال (من غواتيمالا). ويعبر هذا الصرح عن الانتقال من الشكل الباروكي إلى الهندسة النيوكلاسيكية، ويمكن اعتبار أسلوبه بأنه انتقائي ومتنوع. وتتميز هذه الكاتدرائية برزانة زينتها الداخلية ووفرة الأضواء الطبيعية، بينما سقفها يحتوي على كمية كبيرة من الزخارف. وتحتوي على كمية هامة من الأعمال الفنية الكبيرة منها المنحوتات الخشبية الفلمنكية ولوحات زيتية تمثل الأربع عشرة وقفة لطريق الآلام للفنان النيكاراغوي أنطونيو ساريا (نهاية القرن التاسع عشر بداية العشرين).

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


修建于1747年至19世纪初,其设计者是危地马拉建筑师迪埃哥•何塞•珀雷斯•埃斯基韦尔(Diego José de Porres Esquivel),建筑的风格表现为巴洛克到新古典主义的过渡,也可以说是折衷主义的风格。大教堂的建筑特点主要体现在简约的内部装饰以及丰富的自然采光。但在圣殿的拱顶部分使用了丰富华丽的装饰。大教堂内安置着重要的艺术作品,包括佛兰德木祭坛,以及由尼加拉瓜艺术家安东尼奥•萨里亚(Antonio Sarria,19世纪末至20世纪初)创作的以基督受难苦路十四站为主题的数幅绘画作品。

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Леонский собор

был построен в период между 1747 г. и началом 19-го века по проекту гватемальского зодчего Диего Хосе де Поррес Эскивеля. Памятник отражает переход от барокко к неоклассической архитектуре, и его стиль можно считать эклектическим. Собору свойственна сдержанность внутреннего убранства и большое количество дневного света. Свод алтаря, однако, отличается богатством орнамента. В Соборе представлены замечательные произведения искусства, включая деревянный фламандский задник алтаря и картины никарагуанского художника Антонио Сарриа (конец 19-го и начало 20-го веков), изображающие 14 остановок Крестного пути на Голгофу.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

La catedral de León

Fue construida entre 1747 y principios del siglo XIX con diseños del arquitecto guatemalteco Diego José de Porres Esquivel. Expresa la transición de la arquitectura barroca a la neoclásica y su estilo puede considerarse ecléctico. La catedral se caracteriza por la sobriedad de su decoración interior y la abundancia de luz natural. La bóveda del santuario presenta una ornamentación muy rica. La catedral tiene en su interior obras de arte importantes, incluido un altar flamenco y pinturas de las 14 estaciones del Via Crucis obra del artista nicaragüense Antonio Sarria a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


source: NFUAJ

Kathedraal van León
De kathedraal van León is gebouwd tussen 1747 en 1814 naar het ontwerp van de architect Diego José de Porres Esquivel uit Guatemala. Het monument toont de overgang van barok naar neoklassieke architectuur en zijn stijl kan als eclectisch beschouwd worden. Karakteristiek zijn de soberheid van het interieur en de overvloed aan natuurlijk licht. Het gewelf van het priesterkoor heeft echter een rijke versiering. De kathedraal herbergt belangrijke kunstwerken, waaronder een houten Vlaams altaarstuk en schilderijen van de 14 staties van de kruisweg van de Nicaraguaanse kunstenaar Antonio Sarria. De kathedraal van León is de grootse kathedraal van Midden-Amerika.

Source: unesco.nl

Outstanding Universal Value

Brief synthesis

Constructed between 1747 and the early 19th century, León Cathedral merges a basilica rectangular layout of Spanish derivation with regional architectural proportions and features. Stylistically, the monument shows the transition from late Baroque to Neo-Classic with sober decoration.

León Cathedral exceptionally illustrates the Antigua Guatemala Baroque architectural style and, in its combination of Spanish art and regional features, shaped by the geographical environment and the groups that supported its erection, is a material expression of the formation of the Latin American society.

The application of the typical quadrangular layout of Spanish origin is outstandingly integrated with architectural features coming from both European Baroque and Neo-classical styles and Antigua Guatemalan interpretation. Among the Antigua features are the mainly horizontal proportions and the low and thick towers as a response to earthquakes, and the internal and external decoration.

Criterion (ii): León Cathedral is an outstanding example of an exchange of human values demonstrated by the different architectural influences from Spanish Art that merge in the monument, shaped by the local workmanship and the geographical and social environment. León Cathedral materially encapsulates the social, religious and artistic syncretism of the new Latin American society appearing during the 18th century.

Criterion (iv): León Cathedral constitutes an outstanding example of a regional Central American interpretation of a typology of religious building merging several architectural and stylistic sources in an ensemble featured by its unity and architectural and social significance.


León Cathedral has been properly conserved, it is intact and, although subject to repair and maintenance, has not had extensive alteration.


Authenticity is maintained by the permanence of the original plan, materials, functions, social significance and relationships with the urban setting.

Protection and management requirements

The property is adequately protected by national and municipal legislation and regulations but the protection of the buffer zone awaits the approval of the Development Municipal Plan and corresponding enforcing legal instruments.  The management of the nominated property is the responsibility of a number of public and private institutions. Namely the León's Diocese, which is also the owner, the National Institute for Culture (INC), responsible for conservation and promotion of national culture, the Department of the Historic Centre of León Municipality, responsible for the protection and preservation of the historic centre and its main buildings. A Management Plan for León Cathedral was prepared and approved by the National Institute for Culture (INC 2009) but it awaits official approval from the Diocese and the Municipality and integration with a risk preparedness plan. The Development Municipal Plan, the approval of which is under finalization, is the comprehensive instrument envisaged by the State party for the development, revitalisation and management of the city. The Plan integrates all other existing plans, including the Cathedral Management Plan and the Plan for the Historic Centre of León.
