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Struve Geodetic Arc

Multiple Locations (34)
ID Name & Location State Party Coordinates Property Buffer Zone
1187-001 FUGLENAES Fuglenes Norway N70 40 12.00
E23 39 48.00
0.075 ha 0.15 ha
1187-002 LILLE-REIPAS Raipas Norway N69 56 19.00
E23 21 37.00
0.01 ha 0.1 ha
1187-003 LOHDIZHJOKKI Luvdiidcohkka Norway N69 39 52.00
E23 36 8.00
0.01 ha 0.1 ha
1187-004 BÄLJATZ-VAARA Baelljasvarri Norway N69 1 43.00
E23 18 19.00
0.01 ha 0.1 ha
1187-005 PAJTAS-VAARA Tynnyrilaki Sweden N68 15 18.00
E22 58 59.00
0.01 ha 0.1 ha
1187-006 KERROJUPUKKA Jupukka Sweden N67 16 36.00
E23 14 35.00
0.01 ha 0.1 ha
1187-007 PULLINKI Pullinki Sweden N66 38 47.00
E23 46 55.00
0.01 ha 0.1 ha
1187-008 PERRA-VAARA Perävaara Sweden N66 1 5.00
E23 55 21.00
0.01 ha 0.1 ha
1187-009 STUOR-OIVI Stuorrahanoaivi Finland N68 40 57.00
E22 44 45.00
0.0314 ha 0.1964 ha
1187-010 AVASAKSA Aavasaksa Finland N66 23 52.00
E23 43 31.00
0.0079 ha 0.7854 ha
1187-011 TORNEA Alatornion kirkko Finland N65 49 48.00
E24 9 26.00
0.16 ha 1.93 ha
1187-012 PUOLAKKA Oravivuori Finland N61 55 36.00
E25 32 1.00
0.0079 ha 0.09 ha
1187-013 PORLOM II Tornikallio Finland N60 42 17.00
E26 0 12.00
0.0079 ha 0.1257 ha
1187-014 SVARTVIRA Mustaviiri Finland N60 16 35.00
E26 36 12.00
0.0079 ha 0.5027 ha
1187-015 MÄKI-PÄÄLYS Mäkipällys Russian Federation N60 4 27.00
E26 58 11.00
0.0006 ha 1.54 ha
1187-016 HOGLAND, Z Gogland, Tochka Z Russian Federation N60 5 7.00
E26 57 40.00
0.0013 ha 1.54 ha
1187-017 WOIBIFER Võivere Estonia N59 3 28.00
E26 20 16.00
0.01 ha 0.5 ha
1187-018 KATKO Simuna Estonia N59 2 54.00
E26 24 51.00
0.01 ha 0.5 ha
1187-019 DORPAT Tartu Observatory Estonia N58 22 44.00
E26 43 12.00
0.12 ha 0.5 ha
1187-020 SESTU-KALNS Ziestu Latvia N56 50 24
E25 38 12
0.01 ha 1.3 ha
1187-021 JACOBSTADT Jekabpils Latvia N56 30 5.00
E25 51 24.00
0.0002 ha 0.12 ha
1187-022 KARISCHKI Gireišiai Lithuania N55 54 9.00
E25 26 12.00
0.01 ha 0.1 ha
1187-023 MESCHKANZI Meškonys Lithuania N54 55 51.00
E25 19 0.00
0.01 ha 0.1 ha
1187-024 BERESNÄKI Paliepiukai Lithuania N54 38 4.00
E25 25 45.00
0.01 ha 0.1 ha
1187-025 TUPISCHKI Tupishki Belarus N54 17 30.00
E26 2 43.00
0.0023 ha 0.01 ha
1187-026 LOPATI Lopaty Belarus N53 33 38.00
E24 52 11.00
0.0023 ha 0.01 ha
1187-027 OSSOWNITZA Ossovnitsa Belarus N52 17 22.00
E25 38 58.00
0.0023 ha 0.01 ha
1187-028 TCHEKUTSK Chekutsk Belarus N52 12 28.00
E25 33 23.00
0.0023 ha 0.01 ha
1187-029 LESKOWITSCHI Leskovichi Belarus N52 9 39.00
E25 34 17.00
0.0023 ha 0.01 ha
1187-030 RUDY Rudi Republic of Moldova N48 19 8.00
E27 52 36.00
0.0023 ha 0.1 ha
1187-031 KATERINOWKA Katerinowka Ukraine N49 33 57.00
E26 45 22.00
0.0036 ha 0.01 ha
1187-032 FELSCHTIN Felschtin Ukraine N49 19 48.00
E26 40 55.00
0.0025 ha 0.01 ha
1187-033 BARANOWKA Baranowka Ukraine N49 8 55.00
E26 59 30.00
0.001 ha 0.004 ha
1187-034 STARO-NEKRASSOWKA Stara Nekrasivka Ukraine N45 19 57.346
E28 55 40.371
0.0025 ha 0.012 ha

The Nomination files produced by the States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to facilitate the preparations of comparative analysis by other nominating States Parties.

The sole responsibility for the content of each Nomination file lies with the State Party concerned. The publication of the Nomination file, including the maps and names, does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever of the World Heritage Committee or of the Secretariat of UNESCO concerning the history or legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its boundaries.
