Calendar - UNESCO World Heritage Convention

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1429 Events
22-24 November 2004
In order to promote the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, adopted by UNESCO’s General Conference in October 2003, the Organization is planning to invite policy makers in relevant fields in respective governments to attend eight meetings in different regions of the world. It is hoped that these meetings will not only encourage Member States to ratify the ...
20 November 2004
This round table is being organized on the occasion of World AIDS Day 2004 as part of the joint UNESCO/UNAIDS project “A Cultural Approach to HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care”, in co-operation with the International organization of Migration (IOM) and CRIPS Ile-de-France (Regional centre for Aids information and prevention).   The round table will bring together top-level anthropologists ...
19 November 2004
Presentation of the work « Histoire de l’autre » (The other’s story) by Sami Adwan (Palestinian, Professor of Education at the University of Bethlehem) and Dan Bar-On (Israeli, Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Ben Gourion du Negev) - UNESCO Headquarters, Room XVI, 10 a.m. – 12 noon.
17-19 November 2004
This year marks the tenth anniversary of the International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia and the founding of the Society. VSMM 2004 continues to push the boundaries of Virtual Reality and Multimedia research by expanding upon the 2003 conference and presenting "VR and the Human Factor: Art, Science and Culture." To celebrate the tenth anniversary, VSMM 2004 returns to Gifu, ...
17-25 November 2004
From 17 to 25 November, the World Conservation Congress (WCC) is taking place in Bangkok, Thailand. WCC is the general assembly of IUCN members, which takes place every three to four years, but has also become one of the most important gatherings of conservation specialists in the world. The Congress combines the business of the Union with technical conservation fora and provides an ...
14-19 November 2004
Within the framework of Africa 2009 Programme, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, ICCROM, CRATerre-EAG and African cultural heritage organizations are organizing a Directors Seminar on Conservation and management of African immovable cultural heritage sites associated with the slave trade in Sub-Saharan Africa. The seminar has been set up to celebrate the 2004 International year to commemorate the ...
10-13 November 2004
Organised by UNESCO's World Heritage Centre and the University of Florida (College of Design, Construction and Planning Preservation Programs). 20 experts, 10 from the USA, 9 from Canada and one from Brazil, were invited by the Director of the World Heritage Centre to discuss identification, protection, conservation and potential nomination of properties and sites of Modern Heritage in North ...
5 November 2004
The Permanent Delegation of Italy to UNESCO, the Instituto Italiano di Cultura and UNESCO are organizing a tribute to Vittorio De Sica , the father of the Italian neorealist cinema who died exactly 30 years ago. Frédéric Mitterrand will present the evening which will include testimonies by Vittorio De Sica's three children and by the great actress Gina Lollobrigida who is also ...
2-5 November 2004
The Fourth European Summer School – Val de Loire World Heritage will take place on 2-5 November and will centre on the theme: “Economy and Heritage: Current Events, Interactions, Prospects”. It is being organized jointly by the University of Orleans, the Mission Val de Loire – World Heritage and the International River and Heritage Institute. To know more … ...
1-4 November 2004
This training seminar, organized by the World Heritage Centre, in close collaboration with the San Jose UNESCO Office, the Advisory Bodies (ICOMOS, IUCN, ICCROM) and with the financial support of the Italian Funds-in-Trust, is framed within the follow-up activities to the Periodic Report on The State of the World Heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean, presented at the 28th World ...
1 November 2004
The third session of the UNESCO DigiArts E-learning seminars about Vilém Flusser (1920-1991), one of the greatest media theorists of the late 20th century, will begin on 1 November. E ntitled " Vilém Flusser's Conception of Art" , it is being organized in collaboration with the Vilém Flusser Archive (Cologne) principally for art media professionals, researchers ...
1-6 November 2004
The main objective of the Conference is to bring together professionals, museologists, educationists and responsible officers of specialized international, regional and sub-regional organizations and non-governmental organizations in order to elaborate strategies and mechanisms aimed at raising awareness among populations and decision-makers on the need to learn about, appreciate, safeguard ...
29 October 2004
The Raymond Lemaire Centre for Conservation (KU Leuven) and the many friends of Dr. Hisao Arahi invite you to attend a Memorial Service in his honor, to take place on October 29, 2004 at 18:30 in the St. Lambertus Chapel of the Arenbergcampus, Heverlee - Belgium. Hisao Arahi, a true friend and dedicated professional, devoted his soul and skills to the study and conservation of architectural ...
17-22 October 2004
As a logical follow-up to the Periodic Reporting exercise for Asia and the Pacific in 2003 a World Heritage Programme for the Pacific (World Heritage – Pacific 2009) was approved by the World Heritage Committee at its 27th session in Paris (29 June – 5 July 2003).Under the umbrella of the Programme the efforts of UNESCO (Apia and WHC and some other units at HQ), IUCN, ICOMOS, ICCROM, SPREP ...
5-9 October 2004
The Pacific region and marine sites are underrepresented on the World Heritage List. Despite its huge potential and importance, the Pacific region has only a handful of sites among the 788 World Heritage sites. A World Heritage Marine Biodiversity workshop, held in 2002 in Vietnam, identified and recommended several tropical marine areas with high biodiversity for World Heritage status. The ...
19-23 September 2004
The UNESCO/World Heritage Centre and the Regional Council of the Martinique with the financial support of the Spanish Funds-in-Trust, Italian Funds-and the Convention France/UNESCO, decided to organize the next experts and governmental representative’s meeting, who will be held the 19-23 of September 2004 in Fort-de-France, Martinique. A more in-depth evaluation of the archaeological ...
10-26 September 2004
Is it possible to protect heritage in time of war? This was the challenge facing UNESCO in the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC) in 2000 and which led to the launch of the "Biodiversity Conservation in Regions of Armed Conflict: Conserving World Heritage Sites in the DRC" programme, developed with the United Nations Foundation, the Government of the DRC, conservation ...
10-26 September 2004
Programme of the Workshops and Conference Ensuring the protection of sites in DRC: An Experts’ Workshop 13-14 September 2004 Partners for Heritage in DRC: a meeting between the public and private sector 15 September 2004 Promoting and Preserving Congolese Heritage: linking biological and cultural diversity International Donors’ Conference 16-17 September 2004 ...
9-10 September 2004
[in French only] Le 23 juin 2004, les Ministères français de la Culture et de l’Environnement ont mis en place un Comité de pilotage avec des représentants des Ministères, des Départements régionaux pour les Affaires culturelles et l’environnement, et de l’ICOMOS France. Lors de cette première réunion nationale, ...