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Sub-Regional Meeting for South America Second Cycle of the Periodic Reporting Exercise for Latin America and the Caribbean (Brazil)

9-11 February 2012

Within the Framework of the Second Cycle of the Periodic Reporting for Latin America and the Caribbean, the World Heritage Centre/Latin America and Caribbean Unit, in cooperation with the Brazilian Government and in particular, with the Brazilian National Institute of Historic and Artistic Sites (IPHAN), is organizing a Sub-Regional meeting for South America in Ouro Preto, Brazil, from 9 to 11 February 2012.

The main objectives of this meeting are to develop a training strategy for Site Managers and Focal Points in the following topics:

  • Issues concerning the process of completing the Periodic Report Questionnaire (Sections I and II);
  • Clarifications on the procedures for the Retrospective Inventory;
  • Follow up discussion of thematic groups;
  • Updating and definition of the work schedule for the Sub-region.
Activities 1
News 3
Events 3
Nuria Sanz
States Parties 1
Regions 1
Latin America and the Caribbean
Keywords (text)

Periodic Reporting, LAC,


Thursday, 9 February 2012
Saturday, 11 February 2012

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Ouro Preto, Brazil