The challenges experienced by the World Heritage properties are the symptoms of crises of global magnitude. The solution-oriented discussions around the future of our World Heritage therefore, require expertise well beyond the realm of heritage.
UNESCO launches “50 Minds for The Next 50” to convene fifty leading, innovative, bold, respected thinkers of our times from diverse disciplines for the most interdisciplinary discussion on World Heritage ever to be held.
Five dialogue sessions covering five themes will take place in 2022, each joined by thinkers in paired dialogue from diverse regions. The public is invited to follow online.
Tuesday 24 May 2022, 15h00 - 17h00 (CEST)
Thursday 30 June 2022, 15h00 – 17h00 (CEST)
By going well beyond the usual roster of experts, the 50 Minds will explore the meaning of ‘World Heritage’ unbound by the 1972 Convention, in an effort to shape the new, inclusive vision in which communities and citizens play an active role.