World Heritage and Sustainable Development: sharing experiences from Africa and China
The World Heritage Centre, in collaboration with the African World Heritage Fund and the National Commission of the People’s Republic of China for UNESCO, organized the UNESCO-Africa-China Forum on World Heritage Capacity Building and Cooperation, from 3-4 2019 June at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. This follows the November 2018 African and Chinese Experts meeting on Safeguarding World Heritage in Africa and China.
The Forum started with a high-level session of African and Chinese government officials representing national authorities in charge of culture, environment and infrastructural development, and in particular those in charge of the implementation of the World Heritage Convention and the management of protected areas. It also included presentations from African and Chinese experts highlighting the challenges and successes of managing World Heritage properties in their respective countries. The Forum provided an opportunity for ministers to share their views and concerns regarding the challenges and opportunities for sustainable development at World Heritage properties in Africa and China, as well as enhancing the dialogue between the heritage and development sectors.
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