The Second Meeting of European World Heritage Associations is being organized by the Spanish Group of World Heritage Cities and the Segovia City Council, with the support of the Association des biens français de patrimoine mondial (ABFPM), the Associazione Beni Italiani Patrimonio Mondiale and the Nordic World Heritage Network. The meeting will be held in Segovia (Spain) on 20 and 21 October 2016.
The aim of the meeting is to bring together European World Heritage professionals to share good practices regarding World Heritage and local communities, centred on the theme “World Heritage and local communities: Participation process, social bonds and innovation. European Case Studies”.
To facilitate the discussion and provide context from the field, the meeting discussion will revolve around case studies relating to the three sub-themes:
The registration deadline for participants is 15 October 2016. For more information on this event and to register as a participant, please contact the Spanish Group of World Heritage Cities:
Raquel Lucía Atance
Technical Secretariat
II Meeting of European World Heritage Associations
Tel.: +34 646 21 86 89
The programme of the meeting is now available for download.
Download the programme
european world heritage associations
The World Heritage Committee,