ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) and Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), in cooperation with the Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome, are organising the 19th International Course on Stone Conservation.
The course adopts a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach and is designed for professionals involved in the conservation ...
In parallel with the 2014-2015 public courses, a digital version of the Study Days programme “Action for World Heritage” will be organized by l’École de Chaillot. They are dedicated to architecture and heritage students of l’Ecole de Chaillot, state urban planners, and also open to all heritage stakeholders in charge of the issues discussed.
[in French only] Partout et de tous temps, le talent des hommes a produit d’immenses chefs-d’oeuvre, expressions matérielles ou immatérielles de l’esprit des lieux. Depuis presque deux cents ans, en France, les responsables politiques et les acteurs culturels ont élaboré des doctrines et des corpus de règles patrimoniales pour identifier, préserver et valoriser les édifices, les ensembles ...