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5 Events
Day: Thursday, 10 October 2013 close
10 October 2013
Reducing Risks to Cultural Heritage from Uncontrolled Development in a Globalised World. In the framework of a globalised world enhanced by the advent of new technologies and their common and simplified use in everyday life, many think of a future world as characterized by a homogeneity in its structure, organization and functioning. Nevertheless, others imagined a world dramatically ...
8-12 October 2013
In the framework of the UNESCO Capacity Building Project for Small Island Developing States (SIDS), which aims to reinforce capacities for the conservation of World Heritage and the sustainable development of local communities, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the National Commission of Sao Tome and Principe have organized a national strategic workshop that is taking place from 8 to 12 ...
1 October 2013 - 31 January 2014
[in French only] Partenaire actif de l’UNESCO pour la valorisation des paysages et du patrimoine, la France a développé des outils originaux pour la promotion des paysages. Il y a 20 ans, la loi du 8 janvier 1993 dite « loi Paysage » qui vise à protéger et à mettre en valeur les paysages, qu’ils soient remarquables ou quotidiens, ...
26 September 2013 - 3 December 2013
This course is a full-time, one-year Masters, aimed at graduates of leadership potential with at least three to five years of experience relevant to biodiversity conservation. The unique feature of the course is its delivery by a collaboration between six University of Cambridge departments and nine leading conservation organisations based around Cambridge, and its focus on issues of ...
18 September 2013 - 11 October 2013
UNESCO, in collaboration with the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF), ICCROM, Ecole du Patrimoine Africain (EPA), the Centre for Heritage Development in Africa (CHDA) and the Nordic World Heritage Foundation (NWHF), has developed an Implementation programme to start addressing the priority areas identified in the periodic report. The programme consists of a number of activities, ...