The General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage will hold its 19th session on 19 to 21 November 2013 at UNESCO Headquarters.
The General Assembly will be called upon to replace the outgoing members of the World Heritage Committee. The seats of the following States Parties will become available to be filled by the ...
A 7000€ grant for an art project will be awarded to a young person from the Mediterranean.
To encourage greater appreciation of the cultures and art and crafts of the Mediterranean region among young people, the Marc de Montalembert Foundation provides grants for the implementation of projects related to cultures or art and crafts. Projects must be the expression of a ...
[in French only] Partenaire actif de l’UNESCO pour la valorisation des paysages et du patrimoine, la France a développé des outils originaux pour la promotion des paysages. Il y a 20 ans, la loi du 8 janvier 1993 dite « loi Paysage » qui vise à protéger et à mettre en valeur les paysages, qu’ils soient remarquables ou quotidiens, ...
This course is a full-time, one-year Masters, aimed at graduates of leadership potential with at least three to five years of experience relevant to biodiversity conservation. The unique feature of the course is its delivery by a collaboration between six University of Cambridge departments and nine leading conservation organisations based around Cambridge, and its focus on issues of ...