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WHC/23/24.GA/INF.1B Liste des Présidents, Vice-présidents et Rapporteurs de l’Assemblée générale depuis 1991
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.1B
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.1B List of Chairpersons, Vice-Chairpersons and Rapporteurs of the General Assembly since 1991
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.1B
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/2A 通过大会第二十四届会议议程
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/2A
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: 中文‬ zh
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/2A Утверждение Повестки дня 24-й сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/2A
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Русский ru
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/2A Adoption de l’ordre du jour de la 24e session de l’Assemblée générale
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/2A
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/2A Aprobación del orden del día de la 24ª reunión de la Asamblea General
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/2A
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Español es
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/2A Adoption of the Agenda of the 24th session of the General Assembly
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/2A
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/2A اعتماد جدول أعمال الدورة الرابعة والعشرين للجمعية العامة
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/2A
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: العربية ar
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/2B 通过大会第二十四届会议时间表
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/2B
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: 中文‬ zh
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/2B Утверждение Расписания работы 24-й сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/2B
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Русский ru
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/2B Adoption du calendrier de la 24e session de l’Assemblée générale
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/2B
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/2B Aprobación del calendario de la 24ª reunión de la Asamblea General
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/2B
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Español es
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/2B Adoption of the Timetable of the 24th session of the General Assembly
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/2B
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/2B اعتماد الجدول الزمني للدورة الرابعة والعشرين للجمعية العامة
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/2B
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: العربية ar
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.2A.Rev Liste provisoire des documents de la 24e session de l’Assemblée générale
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.2A.Rev
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.2A.Rev Provisional list of documents for the 24th session of the General Assembly
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.2A.Rev
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
42C/REP/19 Rapport du Comité intergouvernemental pour la protection du patrimoine mondial culturel et naturel sur ses activités
Code: 42C/REP/19
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
42C/REP/19 Report of the Intergovernmental Committee for the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage on its activities
Code: 42C/REP/19
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/5 世界遗产委员会选举
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/5
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: 中文‬ zh
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/5 Выборы членов Комитета всемирного наследия
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/5
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Русский ru
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/5 Élections au Comité du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/5
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/5 Elecciones del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/5
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Español es
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/5 Elections to the World Heritage Committee
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/5
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/5 انتخابات أعضاء لجنة التراث العالمي
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/5
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: العربية ar
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.5.Rev.3 List of candidatures for the elections to the World Heritage Committee
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.5.Rev.3
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.5.Rev.3 Liste provisoire des candidatures pour les élections au Comité du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.5.Rev.3
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/6 审查世界遗产基金账目, 包括缔约国出资情况
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/6
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: 中文‬ zh
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/6 Examen de l’état des comptes du Fonds du patrimoine mondial, y compris du statut des contributions des États parties
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/6
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/6 Examen del estado de cuentas del Fondo del Patrimonio Mundial, comprendida la situación de las contribuciones de los Estados Partes
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/6
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Español es
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/6 Examination of the statement of accounts of the World Heritage Fund, including the status of the contributions of States Parties
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/6
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/6 دراسة كشوف الحساب الخاصة بصندوق التراث العالمي، بالإضافة إلى أوضاع مساهمات الدول الأطراف
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/6
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: العربية ar
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.6 Comptes du Fonds du patrimoine mondial pour l’exercice financier 2020-2021 et pour la période allant du 1er janvier 2022 au 30 juin 2023
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.6
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.6 Accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period 2020-2021 and the period from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2023
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.6
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/7 根据《世界遗产公约》第16 条确定向世界遗产基金的捐款数额
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/7
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: 中文‬ zh
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/7 Détermination du montant des contributions au Fonds du patrimoine mondial conformément aux dispositions de l’article 16 de la Convention du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/7
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/7 Determination of the amount of the contributions to the World Heritage Fund in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of the World Heritage Convention
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/7
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.7 État des contributions obligatoires et volontaires
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.7
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.7 Statement of Compulsory and Voluntary Contributions
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.7
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/8 针对世界遗产的气候行动相关政策文件更新
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/8
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: 中文‬ zh
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/8 Mise à jour du Document d’orientation sur l’action climatique pour le patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/8
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/8 Actualización del Documento de política en materia de acción por el clima centrada en el Patrimonio Mundial
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/8
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Español es
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/8 Updating of the Policy Document on climate action for World Heritage
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/8
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/8 تحديث وثيقة سياسة العمل الخاص بالمناخ للتراث العالمي
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/8
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: العربية ar
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.8 Document d’orientation sur l’action climatique pour le patrimoine mondial mis à jour
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.8
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.8 Updated Policy Document on climate action for World Heritage
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.8
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/9 《<公约>缔约国大会议事规则》修订
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/9
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: 中文‬ zh
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/9 Изменения в Правилах процедуры Генеральной Ассамблеи государств-участников Конвенции
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/9
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Русский ru
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/9 Révision du Règlement intérieur de l'Assemblée générale des États parties à la Convention
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/9
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/9 Revisiones del Reglamento de la Asamblea General de los Estados Partes en la Convención
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/9
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Español es
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/9 Revisions to the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/9
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/9 التنقيحات على قواعد النظام الداخلي للجمعية العامة للدول الأطراف في الاتفاقية
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/9
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: العربية ar
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.9.Add Révisions proposées au Règlement intérieur de l’Assemblée générale des États parties à la Convention
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.9.Add
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.9.Add Proposed Revisions to the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.9.Add
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.9 Proposition de révision du Règlement intérieur de l'Assemblée générale des États parties à la Convention
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.9
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.9 Proposed Revisions to the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.9
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/10 Résolutions adoptées par l’Assemblée générale des États parties à la Convention du patrimoine mondial à sa 24e session (UNESCO, 2023)
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/10
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/10 Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention at its 24th session (UNESCO, 2023)
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/10
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.10 Draft Summary Records
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.10
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/23/24.GA/INF.10 Projet de résumé des interventions
Code: WHC/23/24.GA/INF.10
Year: 2023
Session: 24GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents