The World Heritage Committee,
- Having examined Document WHC/17/41.COM/7B,
- Recalling Decision 39 COM 7B.80, adopted at its 39th session (Bonn, 2015),
- Acknowledges the efforts of the State Party to address the conservation and management issues that have led to substantial improvements of the state of conservation of the property;
- Noting the improvements made to the Management Plan, requests the State Party to address the following issues, which need further clarification, detail and further improvement:
- The linking of the management of the property to the protection of Outstanding Universal Value (OUV),
- The condition of the components and the Action Plan or programme of works,
- The coordinated management between the site managers and the Great Pompei Unit and the responsibility for the implementation of the Management Plan;
- Welcomes the prolongation of the Grande Progetto Pompei (GPP) until 2019 and the extensive financial contributions, and also requests the State Party to ensure that both human and financial resources are identified beyond 2019, to adequately deal with the continuing needs for conservation and visitor management at the property;
- Also welcomes the consolidation and restoration works of the five threatened buildings within the GPP, and encourages the State Party to develop a programme for long-term conservation and restoration of decorative surfaces;
- Also encourages the State Party to continue to resolve the remaining issue at Porta Nola, in order to complete the conservation of the major storage building;
- Notes the progress reported on drainage works, and further requests the State Party to carefully monitor the mitigation measures foreseen in the Regions I, III, IX, IV and V of the archaeological site and provide results to the World Heritage Centre for review by the Advisory Bodies;
- Requests furthermore the State Party to provide the World Heritage Centre with the design for the service building at Villa A of Torre Annunziata, as soon as possible, for review by the Advisory Bodies;
- Requests moreover the State Party to provide more detailed information and clarifications on the coordinated management of the Herculaneum Archaeological Park, the Great Pompei Unit and the Torre Annunziata;
- Finally requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 December 2018, an updated report on the state of conservation of the property and the implementation of the above, for examination of the World Heritage Committee at its 43rd session in 2019.