The World Heritage Committee,
- Having examined Documents WHC/16/40.COM/8B.Add and WHC/16/40.COM/INF.8B1.Add,
- Noting that the submission of the proposed minor boundary modification was received after the established deadline, accepts on an exceptional basis to examine it;
- Refers the proposed buffer zone for the Site of Palmyra, Syrian Arab Republic, back to the State Party in order to allow it to:
- provide greater clarity on the line of the proposed boundaries,
- provide greater clarity on the protection offered by the various protective zones,
- ensure that protection offered by the buffer zone in relation to the property encompasses not only visual parameters but recognises attributes that are related to Outstanding Universal Value such as palm-groves, Wâhat, underground water channels, Qanât-s, quarries, remains of caravan routes and archaeological sites,
- provide more details as to how the limits of urban development will be defined.