Resolution 8 GA 12
Ways and means to ensure a more representative World Heritage List
12. When examining item 7 of the agenda concerning the means of ensuring an equitable representation of different regions and cultures of the world on the World Heritage Committee, the Assembly expressed the wish to be presented regularly with the charts prepared by the Secretariat: one presenting for each State Party the periods during which they have been members of the Committee, the other showing the distribution of Member States of the Committee according to the different regions. One delegate recalled that the seventh General Assembly had questioned the opportunity of increasing the number of Committee members because of the growing number of States Parties. The Assembly took note of the working document prepared by the Secretariat and expressed the wish that the matter be further considered by the World Heritage Committee.
Summary Record
Context of Resolution
CLT-91/CONF.013/4CLT-91/CONF.013/4 Annex