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Decision 23 BUR IV.B.72
Fort and Shalamar Gardens of Lahore (Pakistan)

Following a request for Technical Co-operation aimed at restoring the Gardens to the original Mughal pattern, a mission by an ICOMOS expert was organized by the World Heritage Centre in October-November 1998 to assess repair needs, to report on the state of conservation of the gardens and landscape, and to make recommendations for future action following international conservation norms. An evaluation of the Master Plan for the Preservation and Restoration of Shalamar Gardens Lahore (April 1998) was also undertaken. 

Despite the commendable efforts made by the responsible authorities within their limited financial resources, the ICOMOS expert reported on the general state of disrepair of the structural components and buildings of the Shalamar Gardens. The expert noted with concern that due to the recent development around the Gardens, inner and outer ground levels differ, resulting in damage to the peripheral walls caused by moisture and efflorescence. The deterioration of the water channels of the fountains is leading to water leakage, and the Gardens on the three terraces no longer have the historical layout or the greenery of the Mughal period. The mission made 17 recommendations, which were adopted by the authorities of Pakistan in February 1999, and a request for Preparatory Assistance for implementing the first five recommendations has been submitted.

In June 1999, information was received that the Road Construction Authorities of Lahore were demolishing the essential hydraulic works for the fountains of the Shalamar Gardens. Apparently, this work was being carried out to enlarge the road outside the Shalamar Gardens, to cope with heavy traffic.

During the session, ICOMOS underlined that consideration should be given to the establishment of an adequate management plan for the Shalamar Gardens.

During a mission by the World Heritage Centre, the state of conservation of the Fort of Lahore was also examined.  The mission expressed concern about the lack of an overall Management Plan and the use of non-traditional building material for the restoration of the various monuments composing Lahore Fort.  In view of the large number of visitors to the site, an urgent need for a Master Plan for enhanced management was identified. 

The Pakistan authorities brought the attention of the mission to the alarming deterioration of the Shish Mahal Pavilion’s Mirror Hall ceiling, where the convex mirror glass is cracking away from the carved stucco ceiling, and urgently requested international expert advice.  An ICCROM reactive monitoring mission was organized by the World Heritage Centre in May 1999 to assist the authorities in addressing the problems of structural stability of Shish Mahal and for appropriate conservation methodology for the ceiling. ICCROM presented the findings and recommendations of this mission to the Bureau.

During the session, the Observer of Pakistan expressed her Government’s appreciation for the missions to the Fort and Shalamar Gardens of Lahore, undertaken by ICOMOS, ICCROM and World Heritage Centre and organized by the World Heritage Centre. She informed the Bureau that the provincial and national authorities were changing the plan for extending the route beside the Shalamar Gardens to conserve the hydraulic works of the Shalamar Gardens. Regarding the Lahore Fort, the Observer of Pakistan informed the Bureau of the recent increase in public awareness for the need to protect the mirrored ceiling of the Shish Mahal Pavilion. She informed the Bureau that her Government welcomed the ICCROM expert mission and requested the World Heritage Committee, the advisory bodies and the World Heritage Centre to continue assisting the national authorities in safeguarding the fragile ceiling.

The Bureau, upon examining the reports of ICOMOS and the World Heritage Centre, requested the World Heritage Centre to assist the authorities of Pakistan in implementing the 17–point recommendations of the ICOMOS expert and in the establishment of a management plan for adequate protection of the Shalamar Gardens; and to address the concern over the deterioration of the peripheral walls of the first terrace of the Shalamar Gardens by examining the possibility of lowering the ground level immediately surrounding the peripheral walls of the Shalamar Gardens to its original level. The Bureau expressed deep concern over the planned demolition of the essential hydraulic works of the Shalamar Gardens, and also requested the State Party to provide further information on the plans for rehabilitating the hydraulic works.

The Bureau, upon examining the report of ICCROM concerning the state of conservation of the Shish Mahal Mirrored Pavilion, Lahore Fort, urged the authorities of Pakistan to immediately provide a temporary roof covering the Shish Mahal Pavilion to prevent further water leakage aggravating the condition of the Mirrored Ceiling . It requested the World Heritage Centre to assist the authorities of Pakistan in submitting a request for international assistance for (a) the repair and conservation of the Pavilion roof, the support system for the ceiling and the Mirrored Ceiling itself and (b) the formulation of a site management plan, within the framework of a Master Plan for enhanced management of Lahore Fort, integrating concern for the site’s heritage values in management processes and operations.

Decision Code
23 BUR IV.B.72
States Parties 1
Context of Decision