The Bureau recalled that the site was placed on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1992 due to threats from poachers, boundary encroachment and the adverse impacts of unplanned road construction. It furthermore recalled that at its last session, the World Heritage Committee called for an Environmental Impact Assessment of the road construction in the Park and requested information from INEFAN, the National Park administration, on road modifications, a land tenure study and steps for an updated management plan. Meanwhile, a copy of the land tenure study which was concluded in March of this year and the terms of reference for the elaboration of a new management plan were received. IUCN provided additional information from its Quito Office that the construction company is no longer in charge of the road construction, which was taken over by the military. The Director of the Centre informed the Bureau that discussions have taken place with the Vice President of Ecuador during a recent mission to the country.
The Bureau commended INEFAN on its actions but at the same time reiterated the Committee's concerns about the road construction and its request for an Environmental Impact Assessment.