The Delegate of the United States of America recalled that the Committee at its seventeenth session expressed its concern about plans for the extension of the Taos Airport, as this would pose a potential threat to this World Heritage site.
The Delegate informed the Bureau that the National Park Service has been in close and continuous consultations with Pueblo's Governing Council, attorneys representing the Pueblo interests and with the responsible federal agency, (Federal Aviation Administration), and that it is of the opinion that full consultation and assessment procedures to evaluate effects on historic structures, as required by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, apply to this case. The National Park Service has requested the status of a cooperating agency in the environmental impact assessment. This request is pending a decision. The National Park Service believes that this airport project may have significant effects of noise and vibrations on the historic, archaeological and architectural features of Pueblo, and that the traditional living culture of the Pueblo may also be impacted by the increased air traffic and associated transportation and community development projects.
The Delegate informed the Bureau that the United States of America will provide a more complete report to the next Committee meeting.