The Bureau recalled that the integrity of this site, which has been inaccessible since the onset of armed conflict in the region in 1991, still remained intact. However, recognizing that the potential for a resurgence of hostilities continued to threaten the integrity of this site, the Committee, at its last session included the Plitvice Lakes National Park in the List of World Heritage in Danger and called upon the Government of Croatia, UNPROFOR and the authorities in the Krajina Region to co-operate to implement the Vance Plan and its successor resolutions to stabilize the political situation in the region. The Bureau learnt that as recommended by the Committee, at its sixteenth session, UNPROFOR undertakes regular surveillance patrols in the Park area, and is trying to bring together authorities from the Croatian Government and the Krajina Region to discuss the organization of a second international mission to the site. The Bureau requested the Centre to continue its dialogue with UNPROFOR to explore the possibilities for organizing such an international mission and report on the outcome to the seventeenth session of the Committee.
Decision 17 BUR VIII.2
Plitvice Lakes National Park (Croatia)
Decision Code
States Parties 1
Properties 1
State of conservation reports
1993 Plitvice Lakes National Park