The Bureau noted that the authorities responsible for the management of this site had submitted to the Secretariat several reports on the potential impacts of the proposed hydroelectric dam construction on the Tara River and the pollution of that river by a large asphalt plant situated upstream along the river. The Bureau was informed by the representative of IUCN that the Yugoslav authorities maintained that the two problems mentioned above had minimal impacts on the conservation of Durmitor and that necessary measures to mitigate those impacts were being taken. However, the Bureau requested that the World Heritage Centre contact the Yugoslav authorities to know whether they would invite a joint UNESCO/IUCN mission and provide an on-site briefing on the status of the proposal to construct a hydroelectic dam on the Tara River and pollution caused to the same river by the asphalt plant.
Decision 16 BUR V.30
Durmitor National Park (Montenegro, Yugoslavia)
Decision Code
16 BUR V.30
States Parties 1
Properties 1
State of conservation reports
1992 Durmitor National Park