The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Document WHC-05/29.COM/7B.Rev,
2. Recalling its Decision 28 COM 15B.42 adopted at its 28th session (Suzhou, 2004),
3. Expresses its concern over information concerning the grave threats of collapse that continue to endanger the buildings in the northern zone of the Island (William Ponty School, School of the Sisters, Pavillion of the Sisters and Annexes, Military Hospital, Guardian's Camp), as well as the lack of a solution to halt maritime erosion to the west of the property;
4. Stresses the need to undertake urgent work in order to prevent the collapse of the buildings in the northern zone of the Island and halt maritime erosion;
5. Reiterates its request to the State Party of Senegal to provide the World Heritage Centre with a report, by 1 February 2006, on the strategies that will be implemented regarding corrective measures to limit the negative impact of the replica of the Gorée/Almadies Memorial on the property, and on progress made in putting in place an administrative system to appoint a site manager, for examination by the Committee at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006).