VII.46 Kathmandu Valley (Nepal)
The Secretariat reported that the technical cooperation grant approved by the committee at its eighteenth session in December 1994, enabled the deployment in October 1995 of an International Technical Adviser (ITA) to Kathmandu for a period of five months to assist the authorities in the preparation of project proposals for international funding and to establish a development control unit within the Department of Archaeology. In addition to the three national professionals who will be trained as development control officers by the ITA, three persons are also being trained as documentalists.
The Committee noted that the official gazette of the revised boundaries of the monuments zones has not yet been issued despite repeated indication by the Department of Archaeology of its imminent publication and expressed its concern over the continued demolition of and inappropriate alterations to historic buildings within the World Heritage protected zones.
The Committee reiterated the Bureau's request to His Majesty's Government of Nepal to provide a report on the progress in the implementation of the November 1993 UNESCO/ICOMOS recommendations.