VII.66 Tiya (Ethiopia)
The city of Tiya is representative of the numerous archaeological sites of the Megalithic period which bear witness to extinct cultures.
The Secretariat reported that the preservation of the site is effective, but that it could be further improved by a series of measures, including:
- developing the surrounding area,
- installing a signposting system,
- numbering the stelae, and
- improving the maintenance of the grassy surface of the site and the drainage system to avoid flooding during the rainy season.
However, for it to be truly enhanced, the site should be linked to its cultural environment, i.e., with all the Megalithic sites of the Soddo region. It would therefore be advisable to extend the site inscribed to a significant regional cultural ensemble.
The Bureau encouraged the Centre for Research and Conservation of the Cultural Heritage (CRCCH) to implement the above-mentioned proposals which aim to improve the presentation of the site, and to envisage its extension. It requested the Ethiopian authorities to keep it informed of the progress achieved.