VIII.1 The Committee examined eight natural nominations and two mixed sites received for review by IUCN. The Committee noted that two sites had been withdrawn by States Parties: Fossil Forest of Dunarobba (Italy) and Vodlozero National Park (Russian Federation) before the twenty-first session of the Bureau. The Committee recalled that the Bureau at its twenty-first session had decided not to examine the nomination of Biogradska Gora National Park (No. 838) submitted by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) as well as the nomination of Central Karakorum National Park (No. 802) submitted by Pakistan.
VIII.2 Concerning the nomination of Central Karakorum National Park (No. 802), the Committee recalled that the Bureau at its twenty-first session had deferred the examination of this nomination and had requested IUCN not to proceed with the evaluation.
VIII.3 The Observer of Pakistan requested the Committee to take up this matter and to send an IUCN evaluation mission to the site. His full statement is contained in Annex IV.1. The Observer of India explained that the site is located in an area which is legally a part of India and that the question should be first solved by the two countries. His full statement is contained in Annex IV.2. The Committee considered the matter and decided to send a letter to the Permanent Delegations of Pakistan and India to the effect that the Committee has decided to bring up and decide about this matter at the next session of the Bureau.