B. Technical cooperation requests deferred
- Algeria - The Qal'ah of Beni Hammad (request n°102.1)
The Algerian authorities had submitted a request for assistance in connection with the preservation of the above site. The Bureau was informed that a preparatory assistance consultant mission would take place in July 1981 in order to prepare a revised, detailed request for technical co-operation for this site, which will be submitted to the Bureau at its 6th session.
- Algeria - Dey's Palace and Citadel Quarter of Setif (requests n°101.1 and 103.1)
These requests had to be deferred until a decision as to the inscription of these sites on the World Heritage List was reached.
- Ethiopia - Abiyata-Shala and Bale Mountain (requests n°111.1/112.1)
The Bureau deferred these requests for technical co-operation as both properties were not yet legally protected and thus did not qualify yet for inscription in the World Heritage List.
- Syrian Arab Republic - Bosra, Palmyra (requests n°22.1/23.1)
The Syrian government had requested equipment in connection with conservation work at these sites. The Bureau deferred these requests as further clarifications was necessary.
- Syrian Arab Republic - Aleppo (request n°21.1)
This request had to be deferred until a decision as to the inscription of the site on the World Heritage List was reached.