VII.16 Sanqay National Park (Ecuador)
At its nineteenth session, the World Heritage Committee called for an Environmental Impact Assessment of road construction activities in the Park and requested information from INEFAN, the National Park administration, on road modifications, a land tenure study and steps for an updated management plan. INEFAN informed the Centre that with respect to the road construction a meeting had been organized with the concerned political authorities and local communities. It was also noted that the road was declared of military interest. The Centre received a copy of the land tenure study which was concluded in March 1996 and the terms of reference for the elaboration of a new management plan were prepared during a workshop in December 1995.
Furthermore, the Secretariat informed the Committee that a report from INEFAN (Instituto Ecuadoriano Forestal y de Areas Naturales y Vida Silvestre) was received on 15 November 1996 on the situation in the Park, which indicated problems with the construction of the Guamote Macas Road, although an agreement was made with the construction firm. An update of the Management Plan is under preparation. The report concluded that the impacts of the road construction should be limited and that a monitoring mission by INEFAN, NGOs and UNESCO may be needed.
IUCN recalled the serious problems of the site, which led to its inclusion on the List of World Heritage in Danger, including road construction, poaching and colonization.
The Committee commended INEFAN on its actions and its report but at the same time reiterated the Committee's serious concerns about the road construction activities and its request for an Environmental Impact Assessment. The Committee requested the State Party to provide a report by 15 April 1997 for consideration by the Bureau at its twenty-first session.