XIV.2 Requests for International Assistance
The Bureau met during the twenty-fourth session of the Committee after the budget for Technical Assistance for year 2001 under Chapter III was approved, to take decisions or recommend decisions to the Committee concerning international assistance requests. The attention of the Committee and Bureau was drawn to document WHC-2000/CONF.204/17 and 6 requests for decision by the Committee and 14 requests for decision by the Bureau were examined and took the following decisions. All decisions taken by the Bureau and Committee concerning these requests are listed below:
(ii) Technical Co-operation
Natural Heritage
No. 2001 - 459 Senegal
"Fight against Salvinia molesta in the Delta of the Senegal River at Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary"
Following the recommendation of the Bureau, the Committee approved a sum of US$ 130,475 for implementing phase 1 of the 3-phased mitigation project under the following conditions:
- the States Party pay its dues to the World Heritage Fund;
- the State Party provide a detailed budget breakdown for the sum of US$ 85,715 foreseen as expenditures for clearing the Lake Lamentin that meets the approval of the Centre and IUCN;
- the State Party, Centre and IUCN establish benchmarks and indicators that can determine success of first phase mitigation operations and guide planning of future steps, including any changes in phase 2 and 3 activities as currently foreseen; and
- the State Party, Centre and IUCN develop a plan for financing activities beyond the first phase attracting resources from potential donors other than the World Heritage Fund thereby minimising the demands on the World Heritage Fund for supporting second and third phase operations.
Furthermore, the Committee decided that this sum of US$ 130,475 be allocated from the emergency assistance budget for 2001 rather than from the technical cooperation allocation for natural heritage for the year 2001.
No. 2001-461 Costa Rica
"Education and Protection in the Conservation Area of Guanacaste at the Area de Conservación Guanacaste"
Following the recommendation of the Bureau, the Committee approved US$ 40,000 for this activity for covering expenses for educational (US$ 17,600) and protection (US$ 22,400) activities as proposed by the State Party.
Cultural Heritage
No. 2001-439 Cuba
"Continuation of the Consolidation and Rehabilitation of the Ruinous Third Cloister of Santa Clara's Convent of the Old Havana and its Fortifications site"
Taking into account the previous contribution to the renovation of the building of US$ 30,000, the Committee approved a contribution of US$ 35,000 subject to the State Party paying its dues to the Fund, following the recommendation of the Bureau.
No. 2001-446 Dominican Republic
"Study on Cultural Tourism in the Historic Centre of Santo Domingo"
The Bureau approved US$ 24,207 for this activity subject to the State Party paying its dues to the Fund and requesting the State Party to bear the costs of the secretarial costs.