Property: Mount Qingcheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System China
Id. N°: 1001
State Party: China
Criteria: C (ii) (iv) (vi)
The Committee decided to inscribe this site on the World Heritage List on the basis of criteria (ii),(iv), and (vi):
Criterion (ii): The Dujiangyan Irrigation System, begun in the 2nd century BCE, is a major landmark in the development of water management and technology, and is still discharging its functions perfectly.
Criterion (iv): The immense advances in science and technology achieved in ancient China are graphically illustrated by the Dujiangyan Irrigation System.
Criterion (vi): The Temples of Mount Qingcheng are closely associated with the foundation of Taoism, one of the most influential religions of East Asia over a long period of history.
The Delegate of Hungary recommended the application of cultural criterion (v) for this site as it is an outstanding example of traditional land-use marked by the irrigation system which is representative of a culture. ICOMOS was requested to examine this point, particularly for sites in Asia, but it maintained that in this case, the site's outstanding universal value could not be justified on the basis of cultural criterion (v).
The Committee discussed the question of inscription under natural criteria, a proposal for the construction of a dam by the water conservancy project and the issue of sacred mountains in China. The Committee noted that Mt Qingcheng is considered to meet natural criteria (ii) and (iv). However, it decided to defer the nomination under natural criteria and requested that IUCN and the World Heritage Centre clarify with the State Party the following matters relating to the integrity of the site: the management regime in the buffer zone; the completion of the Overall Plan for the management of Longxi-Hongkou Nature Reserve, and a commitment to its early implementation; the inclusion within the plan of arrangements to deal with long term funding, the development of adequate trained staff, satisfactory controls over tourism development and activities, and programmes for monitoring, research, education and public awareness and information on the water conservancy project and the possible impacts of the dam proposal.
The Delegate of China explained that the proposal for a new dam was only a proposition at this stage and the authorities were willing to invite foreign experts to inspect the site.
The Committee encouraged the State Party to consider: (a) the merits of enlarging the site to include other Giant Panda areas, such as Wolong Nature Reserve, physically linked to the site; (b) initiating a wider review of the potential which exists in China for other natural World Heritage sites with consideration for a workshop focusing on possible boundaries for an enlarged site as well as to identify other sites of biodiversity value in the region.
The Chairperson also recalled that a workshop on sacred mountains in Asia will be hosted by the Japanese Government.