The World Heritage Committee
1. Thanking the State Party for the report provided, concerning the conservation of the World Heritage property, including the redefinition of the buffer zone as well as information on construction developments in the immediate vicinity of the property,
2. Congratulates the State Party on its project “Unification of the Archaeological Sites of Athens,” and on the long-term conservation plan, including the new museum design for the Acropolis, as this will enhance the protection and presentation of the World Heritage property;
3. Strongly urges the State Party to define a coherent buffer zone surrounding the Acropolis and to extend the existing buffer zone (Zone 3) to the area of the proposed high-rise building, in order to limit the construction height and ensure the visual integrity of the property;
4. Recalls its request to undertake a visual impact study prior to the commencement of any construction developments;
5. Requests the State Party to keep the World Heritage Centre informed on further developments, including the extension of the buffer zone and the visual impact study.