The World Heritage Committee,
1. Thanks the Solomon Islands National Commission for UNESCO for providing up to date information and conducting a site visit to assess the state of conservation of East Rennell;
2. Requests IUCN and the World Heritage Centre to organize a joint UNESCO - IUCN mission to the property, utilizing expertise from the region to ensure that it is cost-effective;
3. Also requests IUCN and the World Heritage Centre during the mission to:
a) assess and report on the state of conservation of East Rennell,
b) determine the state of preparation and appropriateness of the Resource Management Plan for the property and the draft national World Heritage Protection Bill,
c) document and assess the effectiveness of the customary protection of the property.
4. Further requests IUCN and the World Heritage Centre to present a report on the outcome of the mission for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 29th session in 2005.
Decision 28 COM 15B.12
East Rennell (Solomon Islands)
Decision Code
28 COM 15B.12
Focal Point
States Parties 1
Properties 1
State of conservation reports
2004 East Rennell
Decisions of the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee