The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Documents WHC-08/32.COM/8B and WHC-08/32.COM/INF.8B1,
2. Refers the nomination of the León Cathedral, Nicaragua, back to the State Party to allow it to:
- a) complete the planning and implementation schedule for the restoration and conservation of the monument;
- b) complete, approve and implement the Special Plan for the historic centre of León;
3. Recommends that:
- a) special attention should be given to the improvement and enhancement of the historic centre of León, especially in relation to the area surrounding the Cathedral. In order to improve life quality and urban landscape, the local government should consider actions aiming at authorizing the opening of the metropolitan commercial centre, removing disruptive commercial advertising signs in the historic centre, and burying the wires and cables of the public services;
- b) risk preparedness, especially for natural disasters, should be addressed as one of the main issues of the management plan;
- c) improve the coordination among national, local and Diocese stakeholders in order to improve the protection and management;
- d) the State Party should ensure that the special Parliament fund for León Cathedral continues;
- e) the State Party should undertake, if not already done, a systematic inventory of the works of art and movable heritage contained in the nominated property.