The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Document WHC-06/30.COM/7B,
2. Recalling Decision 29 COM 7B.67, adopted at its 29th session (Durban, 2005),
3. Commends the States Parties for their continued collaboration to complete the joint Lithuanian-Russian post-project Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the D-6 oil platform and to continue bilateral environmental monitoring;
4. Notes that both States Parties have recognized the necessity of a bilateral agreement concerning co-operation in case of pollution accidents, pollution prevention/mitigation and compensation measures, and a cooperation plan in case of pollution accidents in the Baltic Sea and urges both States Parties to sign the agreement and plan as soon as possible;
5. Further notes that the States Parties have not yet reported on the general state of conservation of the Curonian Spit, in particular the actual status of implementation of the joint post-project EIA and activities agreed to under the Action Plan;
6. Requests both States Parties to provide the World Heritage Centre with a detailed and updated report, by 1 February 2007, on the general state of conservation of the property with reference to the cultural landscape values for which the property was inscribed and including the status of implementation of the joint post-project EIA and activities agreed to under the Action Plan, especially regarding the signature of a bilateral agreement concerning co-operation in case of pollution accidents, pollution prevention/mitigation and compensation measures, and a cooperation plan in case of pollution accidents in the Baltic Sea, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 31st session in 2007.