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World Heritage Convention

194 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 1997close
Year end: 1997close
By Year
The Bureau noted that the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee approved, in 1996, a sum of US$ 20,000, for the implementation of a project entitled "Protection and Information and Education Campaign for the Conservation of Tubbataha Reef Marine Park". The Bureau was happy to note that the Project Management Team (PMT) has regular consultations with Government agencies, research institutions and local communities concerned with the project's implementation and that a Presidential Task Force has brought together all groups interested in the conservation of this World Heritage site. ...
The Bureau was informed that the Sri Lankan authorities have increased the total area of the Sinharaja National Heritage Wilderness Area from 8,860 ha to 11,187 ha to incorporate some habitat fragments northeast of the World Heritage Area. Since the current size of the Sinharaja World Heritage area is 8,860 ha, the Bureau requested IUCN and the Centre to contact Sri Lankan authorities to obtain information on areas included in the extension in order to determine whether or not the State Party should be invited to consider increasing the total area of the World Heritage Site.
The Bureau noted with concern that this site faced considerable threats from a proposal of the national electricity company (EDELCA) to erect a series of power transmission lines, expected to extend 160 km across the Park, to supply power from the Guri dam to Brazil and to a mining site north of the Park. The traditional Pemon community who inhabit a portion of the Park are concerned that the power generation project will lead to increased mining and logging and hence are opposing the scheme. During recent years large scale mining operations have been started in areas outside of the Park ...
The Bureau recalled that the Committee at its nineteenth and the twentieth sessions expressed concerns over the impacts which a proposed port development project could have on this site and plans of the Vietnam Government to issue a license for the establishment of a large floating hotel in the vicinity of the World Heritage site. The Bureau noted that a member of the Centre staff participated in the management planning training seminar organized by the Vietnamese authorities in Ha Long City, during 10-23 June 1997, with financial support (US$ 24,250) approved by the Committee at its last ...
The Bureau recalled that the Committee at its last session had been concerned about the unplanned and uncontrolled expansion of the village of Zabljak and its environs and requested clarification regarding the boundary adjustments under consideration. Furthermore the Committee had considered an engineering evaluation of the earthen containment structures built within the earthquake prone flood plains of the Tara River. The Bureau was informed that the Management of the Durmitor National Park have informed the Centre that their proposal to excise the 40 ha area around the village of ...
The Bureau thanked the Government of Peru for the report on Machu Picchu prepared by the National Institute for Culture. It expressed its concern, however, about the apparent lack of integral management mechanisms for the property and the implementation and/or consideration of several projects that might have a negative impact either on its natural or cultural values. The Bureau, therefore, requested IUCN and ICOMOS to undertake a joint mission to Machu Picchu in order to examine the management and conservation of the site and to draw up recommendations for future actions. The Bureau ...
The Secretariat informed the Bureau of press reports according to which the site of Butrinti and its museum were looted during the civil disturbances in Albania. This information was confirmed by the Butrint Foundation and in a meeting with the Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Albania to UNESCO on 16 April 1997 at which it was agreed that a joint UNESCO-ICOMOS-Butrint Foundation mission would be undertaken to the site. Due to the security situation in the country, this mission could not be undertaken before this session of the Bureau. The Bureau expressed its great concern about the ...
Sites: Butrint
After having taken note of the report of the Secretariat regarding the studies carried out in several tombs at Saqqara in the Necropolis of Thebes and at Abu Simbel, by INERIS, the Supreme Council of Antiquities and the University of Cairo, the Bureau thanked the Egyptian authorities for their cooperation and invited them to implement the recommendations of the experts concerning the ventilation of these monuments, which would ensure the long-term conservation of their mural paintings.
a)   Al-Azhar Mosque After having taken note of the report of the Secretariat concerning the ongoing works at the Al-Azhar Mosque at the site of Islamic Cairo, the Bureau requested the Egyptian authorities to ensure that the authenticity of the monument is respected, which unfortunately was not the case for the three Fatimid Mosques, and recalled that the World Heritage Centre is available to provide expert advice to this end.  b)   Al-Sinnari House After having taken note of the Secretariat's report concerning the ongoing work at the Al-Sinnari House in ...
The Bureau took note of a report submitted by the Minister for Culture, Youth, Family and Women of the Land Rheinland-Pfalz regarding the Roman amphitheatre in Trier. The Bureau noted the results of the urban competition for the zone north of the Roman amphitheatre and the selection of a project which would permit the reopening of the northern access to the arena, which had until now, been blocked by brewery constructions. The Bureau requested the City of Trier to adopt this project and to establish a legal planning instrument for its implementation. With regard to archaeological ...
In response to a request for information made by the Observer of Lebanon, the Bureau requested the German authorities to present, by 15 September 1997, a report on the state of conservation and development plans for the City of Quedlinburg. The Bureau also requested ICOMOS to undertake a mission to Quedlinburg to assess the situation, and to report to the extraordinary session of the Bureau.
The Bureau commended the Minister for Science, Research and Culture of the Land Brandenburg for the detailed report on the state of conservation of the site and the actions that have been taken to preserve the Potsdam cultural landscape. The Bureau particularly welcomed the openness of the German authorities for dialogue and their commitment to seek compromise solutions. In particular, the Bureau took note of the commitments of the German authorities to: -    proceed with the extension of the World Heritage     site as      recommended ...
In view of the information provided by the Secretariat regarding the state of conservation of the Ajanta, Elephanta and Ellora Caves, and taking note with appreciation of the additional information provided by the Observer of India concerning the national and local efforts being made to safeguard these sites, the Bureau expressed its serious concern over the state of conservation of these sites, especially that of the advanced deterioriation of the wall paintings and insufficient visitor control at the site of Ajanta. In addressing the problem of water seepage, the Bureau recommended that ...
After having noted the report of the Secretariat on Petra and the report of the Director of the Department of Antiquities dated December 1996, the Bureau thanked the Jordanian authorities for their efforts to protect the site, but again insisted that preservation measures be urgently undertaken and that the coordination of on-site activities be reinforced with the support of UNESCO. Amongst these measures, it would be appropriate to provide the Petra Regional Council and the Coordination Group of the Ministry of Antiquities and Tourism with the means to function; to urgently regulate and ...
Sites: Petra
After having taken note of the report of the Secretariat on the site of Quseir Amra, the Bureau thanked the Jordanian authorities for their efforts, jointly with UNESCO and the Cultural Service of the French Embassy, to protect the site from flooding and to restore the manège and the cistern of the Omayyades Baths. The Bureau recommended that the Jordanian authorities improve visitor control mechanisms to ensure a better protection of the wall paintings.
Sites: Quseir Amra
After having taken note of the report of the Secretariat on the site of Tyr and the remarks of the Observer of Lebanon, the Bureau decided to defer the examination of the state of conservation of the site until its twenty-first extraordinary session in November, so as to take into consideration the mission reports of the experts sent to the site by UNESCO in the framework of the International Safeguarding Campaign and the observations of the Lebanese authorities.
Sites: Tyre
After having taken note of the report made by World Heritage Centre consultant, the Bureau commended the State Party and the cooperating governments, institutions and agencies for their joint effort to conserve and rehabilitate the Vilnius Historic Centre, and requested to be kept informed on the progress made. The Bureau also recommended to the State Party to accelerate the operationalization of the Agency for the Revitalization of Old Vilnius (OTRA) as a key element for the revitalization of the Historic Centre. It called upon international and bilateral donors to further discussions ...
The Bureau took note of the results of an expert mission to the Pre-Hispanic City of Teotihuacan and commended the National Institute for Anthropology and History (INAH) for the exemplary management and conservation of the site. The Bureau requested the national authorities to examine the consultant's report with great attention and to transmit its views on, and follow-up actions foreseen in response to the conclusions and recommendations contained in it to the Secretariat by 15 September 1997 for examination by the Bureau at its next session.
The Bureau took note of the information provided by the Moroccan authorities according to which the road construction projects through the Medina had been abandoned and congratulated them for the measures undertaken to preserve the site.
Sites: Medina of Fez
The Bureau took note of the state of conservation report provided by His Majesty’s Government of Nepal and expressed its appreciation for the progress made towards fulfilling the sixteen-point recommendation of the UNESCO-ICOMOS mission of 1993. In expressing its regret over the further delay in the integration of the Development Control Unit (DCU) as a permanent unit of the Department of Archaeology (DOA), the Bureau recalled that international assistance under the World Heritage Fund for the establishment of the DCU was not to provide salary support but for the training of the DCU ...