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Policy Compendium

Themes1.1 - Fundamental World Heritage policiesclose1.2 - UNESCO standard-setting texts and synergies with other Conventions and Programmesclose1.3 - Shared Responsibility and International Cooperationclose1.1.3 - Fundingclose1.3.1 - Generalclose
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1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
1.1 - Fundamental World Heritage policies
“[The General Assembly] Recalls (…) that the payment of assessed annual contributions to the World Heritage Fund is a legal obligation incumbent on all States Parties which have ratified the Convention."
Theme: 1.1.3 - Funding
Resolution: 23 GA 7
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
1.1 - Fundamental World Heritage policies

Article 13.6

The Committee shall decide on the use of the resources of the Fund established under Article 15 of this Convention. It shall seek ways of increasing these resources and shall take all useful steps to this end.

Article 15

1. A Fund for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of Outstanding Universal Value, called "the World Heritage Fund", is hereby established.

4. Contributions to the Fund and other forms of assistance made available to the Committee may be used only for such purposes as the Committee shall define. The Committee may accept contributions to be used only for a certain programme or project, provided that the Committee shall have decided on the implementation of such programme or project. No political conditions may be attached to contributions made to the Fund.

Article 16

1. Without prejudice to any supplementary voluntary contribution, the States Parties to this Convention undertake to pay regularly, every two years, to the World Heritage Fund, contributions, the amount of which, in the form of a uniform percentage applicable to all States, shall be determined by the General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention, meeting during the sessions of the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (…).

Theme: 1.1.3 - Funding
Source: Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
1.1 - Fundamental World Heritage policies
7. Takes note of the options proposed for allocating unrestricted supplementary voluntary contributions to the World Heritage Fund and, in order to help towards the sustainability of the World Heritage Fund, recommends to States Parties willing to make these contributions to apply one of the following options:

  • Option 1: Increasing the standard percentage used in the calculation of the contributions to the World Heritage Fund from 1% to 2%.
Theme: 1.1.3 - Funding
Resolution: 19 GA 8
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
1.1 - Fundamental World Heritage policies
4. “[The World Heritage Committee] encourages the World Heritage Centre to develop bilateral agreements with States Parties as well as partnerships with multilateral organisations, the private sector and other actors with a view to securing additional resources for the following priorities:

(i) Reinforcement of the staff of the World Heritage Centre,

(ii) Emergency International Assistance,

(iii) International Assistance to properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger,

(iv) Other International Assistance to States Parties, with priority to Preparatory Assistance,

(v) Funds to ensure that the Advisory Bodies have sufficient resources to enable them fulfill their obligations under the Convention”.
Theme: 1.1.3 - Funding
Decision: 27 COM 11.3
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
1.1 - Fundamental World Heritage policies

6. Emphasizing the urgency of securing adequate financial resources to achieve the objectives of the 1972 Conventionto identify and, in particular, to conserve the world's cultural and natural heritage of Outstanding Universal Value, especially in light of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and unprecedented threats such as climate change, natural disasters, and deliberate attacks on cultural heritage in territories affected by armed conflicts and terrorism.

8. Underscoring that sustainability of the World Heritage Fund and overall funding for World Heritage are a strategic issue and a shared responsibility which concerns States Parties and relevant partners, affecting the overall credibility of the World Heritage Convention, including effectiveness and efficiency of World Heritage protection.

17. [The World Heritage Committee] underscores that the highest ethical standards and principles must be upheld in all measures to enhance fundraising to maintain and promote the integrity of the Convention.

Theme: 1.1.3 - Funding
Decision: 41 COM 14
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
1.1 - Fundamental World Heritage policies
2. [The World Heritage Committee] highlight[s] the priority that should be given to conservation and management of World Heritage properties, takes note of the efforts made and progress achieved in this regard by increasing the proportion of the World Heritage Fund dedicated to conservation for the latest biennia and encourages further increase of this proportion, as appropriate; 

4. [The World Heritage Committee] recalls that the payment of compulsory and assessed voluntary contributions is, as per Article 16 of the World Heritage Convention, an obligation incumbent on all States Parties which have ratified the Convention (…).
Theme: 1.1.3 - Funding
Decision: 42 COM 14
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention

28. “Sustainable development and the conservation of the world’s cultural and natural heritage are undermined by war, civil conflict and all forms of violence. The World Heritage Convention is an integral part of UNESCO’s established mandate to build bridges towards peace and security. It is therefore incumbent upon States Parties, in conformity also with provisions of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (The 1954 Hague Convention) and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols, for the States that have ratified them, as well as in accordance with the UNESCO Declaration concerning the Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage (2003) and international customary law protecting cultural property in the event of armed conflict, to ensure that the implementation of the World Heritage Convention is used to promote the achievement and maintenance of peace and security between and within States Parties”.

29. “Recalling also the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001), States Parties should therefore acknowledge the reality of cultural diversity within and around many World Heritage properties, and promote a culturally pluralistic approach in strategies for their conservation and management. (…)”.

Theme: 1.2 - UNESCO standard-setting texts and synergies with other Conventions and Programmes
Source: Policy for the integration of a sustainable development perspective into the processes of the World Heritage Convention (WHC-15/20.GA/INF.13)
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention

Paragraph 41

“The World Heritage Committee recognizes the benefits of closer co-ordination of its work with other UNESCO programmes and their relevant Conventions (…)”.
Theme: 1.2 - UNESCO standard-setting texts and synergies with other Conventions and Programmes
Source: OG Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (WHC.19/01 - 10 July 2019)
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention

Paragraph 42

“The World Heritage Committee with the support of the Secretariat will ensure appropriate coordination and information-sharing between the World Heritage Convention and other Conventions, programmes and international organizations related to the conservation of cultural and natural heritage.”
Theme: 1.2 - UNESCO standard-setting texts and synergies with other Conventions and Programmes
Source: OG Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (WHC.19/01 - 10 July 2019)
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention

Paragraph 44

Selected global Conventions and programmes relating to the protection of cultural and natural heritage

UNESCO Conventions and Programmes
Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1954)
Protocol I (1954)
Protocol II (1999)
Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (1970)
Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972)
Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (2001)
Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003)
Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme
Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005)

Other Conventions

Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar) (1971)
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (1973)
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) (1979)
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) (1982)
Convention on Biological Diversity (1992)
UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects (Rome, 1995)
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (New York, 1992)
Theme: 1.2 - UNESCO standard-setting texts and synergies with other Conventions and Programmes
Source: OG Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (WHC.19/01 - 10 July 2019)
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
7. "[The General Assembly] urges the States Parties to participate in the United Nations climate change conferences with a view to achieving a comprehensive post-Kyoto agreement, and to fund and support the research needs as identified in the adopted Policy document."
Theme: 1.2 - UNESCO standard-setting texts and synergies with other Conventions and Programmes
Resolution: 16 GA 10
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
15. "[The World Heritage Committee] recommends that the World Heritage Centre strengthen its relations with other organizations working on Climate Change, particularly with the UNFCCC and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) secretariats, and specifically with regard to the effect of Climate Change on World Heritage properties (…)."
Theme: 1.2 - UNESCO standard-setting texts and synergies with other Conventions and Programmes
Decision: 40 COM 7
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
22. "[The World Heritage Committee] reiterates the importance of States Parties undertaking the most ambitious implementation of the Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (…) and strongly invites all States Parties to ratify the Paris Agreement at the earliest possible opportunity and to undertake actions to address Climate Change under the Paris Agreement consistent with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances, that are fully consistent with their obligations within the World Heritage Convention to protect the OUV of all World Heritage properties."
Theme: 1.2 - UNESCO standard-setting texts and synergies with other Conventions and Programmes
Decision: 41 COM 7
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
37. "[The World Heritage Committee] highlights the need to strengthen cooperation with other cultural heritage and biodiversity-related Conventions and intergovernmental programmes, with a view to contributing to improved conservation and sustainable management of World Heritage."
Theme: 1.2 - UNESCO standard-setting texts and synergies with other Conventions and Programmes
Decision: 41 COM 14
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
5. "[The World Heritage Committee] welcomes the increased collaboration among the Biodiversity-related Conventions through the Biodiversity Liaison Group and focused activities, including workshops, joint statements and awareness-raising."
Theme: 1.2 - UNESCO standard-setting texts and synergies with other Conventions and Programmes
Decision: 42 COM 5A
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
21. "[The World Heritage Committee] appeals to all Member States of UNESCO to cooperate in the fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural objects and illegal wildlife trade, as well as cultural heritage protection in general, including through the implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 2199 (2015), 2253 (2015) and 2347 (2017) and of the 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import and Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property."
Theme: 1.2 - UNESCO standard-setting texts and synergies with other Conventions and Programmes
Decision: 42 COM 7
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
5. "[The World Heritage Committee] Invites the States Parties undertaking activities towards the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to include synergies with the WH-SDP [(Policy Document for the integration of a sustainable development perspective into the processes of the World Heritage Convention)], whenever possible, in order to tap into the potential of the World Heritage Convention to contribute to sustainable development."
Theme: 1.2 - UNESCO standard-setting texts and synergies with other Conventions and Programmes
Decision: 43 COM 5C
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
5. "[The World Heritage Committee] Recognizes the specifically delicate task of balancing World Heritage and Sustainable Development by the least developed countries, notably of the African region, given that it is faced with a disproportionally higher level of poverty globally;

6. Further recognizes the need to employ innovative and transformative solutions for reconciling World Heritage and Sustainable Development that will take into account the nature, complexity and specificity of socio-economic constraints that these less developed countries continue to face;


11. Further calls upon African States Parties to focus their development efforts to benefit local communities, including them in the decision-making, and building on their knowledge and needs with progressive and proactive conservation of natural and cultural heritage; and to create enabling environments for innovative solutions inclusive of green and blue economies while progressing towards other SDGs."
Theme: 1.2 - UNESCO standard-setting texts and synergies with other Conventions and Programmes
Decision: 43 COM 5D
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
9. "[The World Heritage Committee] Reiterates its utmost concern about the continuing threats of wildlife poaching and illegal trafficking of wildlife products linked to impacts of conflict and organized crime, which is eroding the biodiversity and Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of many World Heritage sites across the world, and urges States Parties to take the necessary measures to curb this problem, including through the implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES);"
Theme: 1.2 - UNESCO standard-setting texts and synergies with other Conventions and Programmes
Decision: 43 COM 7.2
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
10. "[The World Heritage Committee] Acknowledging the contribution of sustainable tourism to the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and the positive impact it can have on local communities and the protection of World Heritage properties, nevertheless notes with concern that the number of properties negatively affected by overcrowding, congestion and tourism infrastructure development continues to increase;

11. Noting that the protection of Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) must be a central objective for all World Heritage properties, requests States Parties to develop visitor management plans and strategies that address the seasonality of tourism (smoothing visitor numbers over time and spreading visitors across sites), encourage longer more in-depth experiences promoting tourism products and services that reflect natural and cultural values, and limit access and activities to improve visitor flows and experiences, while reducing pressures on the attributes which underpin OUV."
Theme: 1.2 - UNESCO standard-setting texts and synergies with other Conventions and Programmes
Decision: 43 COM 7.3
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
1.3 - Shared Responsibility and International Cooperation
"3. [The General Assembly recalls] that the “Declaration of principles to promote international solidarity and cooperation to preserve World Heritage” is not legally binding, but that stakeholders are called upon to honour its contents."


Theme: 1.3.1 - General
Resolution: 23 GA 10
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
1.3 - Shared Responsibility and International Cooperation

Article 6

"1. Whilst fully respecting the sovereignty of the States on whose territory the cultural and natural heritage mentioned in Articles 1 and 2 is situated, and without prejudice to property right provided by national legislation, the States Parties to this Convention recognize that such heritage constitutes a world heritage for whose protection it is the duty of the international community as a whole to co-operate.

2. The States Parties undertake, in accordance with the provisions of this Convention, to give their help in the identification, protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural and natural heritage referred to in paragraphs 2 and 4 of Article 11 if the States on whose territory it is situated so request.

3. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to take any deliberate measures which might damage directly or indirectly the cultural and natural heritage referred to in Articles 1 and 2 situated on the territory of other States Parties to this Convention."

Theme: 1.3.1 - General
Source: Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
1.3 - Shared Responsibility and International Cooperation

66. “Member States should co-operate with regard to the protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural and natural heritage, seeking aid, if it seems desirable, from international organizations, both intergovernmental and non-governmental. Such multilateral or bilateral co-operation should be carefully co-ordinated and should take the form of measures such as the following:

a) exchange of information and of scientific and technical publications;

b) organization of seminars and working parties on particular subjects;

c) provision of study and travel fellowships, and of scientific, technical and administrative staff, and equipment;

d) provision of facilities for scientific and technical training abroad, by allowing young research workers and technicians to take part in architectural projects, archaeological excavations and the conservation of natural sites;

e) co-ordination, within a group of Member States, of large-scale projects involving conservation, excavations, restoration and rehabilitation work, with the object of making the experience gained generally available”.

Theme: 1.3.1 - General
Source: Annex III. Revised draft recommendation concerning the protection, at national level of the cutural and natural heritage
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
1.3 - Shared Responsibility and International Cooperation

Paragraph 215

“The Committee develops and coordinates international co-operation in the area of research needed for the effective implementation of the Convention. States Parties are also encouraged to make resources available to undertake research, since knowledge and understanding are fundamental to the identification, management, and monitoring of World Heritage properties. States Parties are encouraged to support scientific studies and research methodologies, including traditional and indigenous knowledge held by local communities and indigenous peoples, with all necessary consent. Such studies and research are aimed at demonstrating the contribution that the conservation and management of World Heritage properties, their buffer zones and wider setting make to sustainable development, such as in conflict prevention and resolution, including, where relevant, by drawing on traditional ways of dispute resolution that may exist within communities."

Theme: 1.3.1 - General
Source: OG Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (WHC.19/01 - 10 July 2019)
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
1.3 - Shared Responsibility and International Cooperation

“International cooperation and shared responsibility through the World Heritage Convention ensures effective conservation of our common cultural and natural heritage, nurtures respect and understanding among the world’s communities and cultures, and contributes to their sustainable development”.[1]

3. “Through cooperation, we seek:
  • A sustainable environment in which States Parties are encouraged, supported and assisted by the international community to fully meet their obligations and enjoy their rights under the World Heritage Convention;
  • Local, national and international communities, both now and in the future, which feel a connection to, engage with and benefit from the world’s natural and cultural heritage;
  • A World Heritage List that is a credible, relevant and representative selection of the world’s most outstanding heritage sites;
  • A World Heritage system which remains transparent, equitable, accountable and efficient in an ever-changing world”.

[1]           Considered as “Our Vision for 2022” within the Strategic Action Plan for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention 2012-2022 (see page 2 of WHC-11/18.GA/11).

Theme: 1.3.1 - General
Source: WHC-11/18.GA/11 Future of the World Heritage Convention

The World Heritage Policy Compendium was elaborated thanks to the generous contribution of the Government of Australia.

The World Heritage Policy Compendium On-line tool was developed thanks to the generous contribution of the Government of Korea.

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